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Full Version: Christmas Names
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started out as a joke cause I couldn't think of anything but now I've grown onto it..

dig... snow and christmas stuff
Ivan Tempskiing
[L²:RP] Python Claus ?

EDIT: The "?" is a Christmas Tree on Steam
Ok, signature has been pr0 edited to fit christmas
Merry Livmas
mines is Christmas Lizard
Post has been updated with all the new names!

If you have a Christmas name then post it!
Theo - Theonezer Scrooge.
Pinky - Pinky The Snowman
Reefaz - Fuck Christmasreefaz
Smex - Smex the Cumsock
(Dec 11, 2015, 05:59 PM)reefaz Wrote: [ -> ]Reefaz - Fuck Christmasreefaz

Only appropriate names. Not being added.

(Dec 11, 2015, 07:36 PM)Smex Wrote: [ -> ]Smex - Smex the Cumsock

Only appropriate names. Not being added.
Who are you to say appropriate or not, you don't know how I spend my christmas
(Dec 11, 2015, 08:22 PM)Smex Wrote: [ -> ]Who are you to say appropriate or not, you don't know how I spend my christmas

Can you not? Just keep it pleasant and appropriate.
oioi what's this beef for
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