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Full Version: [Discuss] Voice Visualiser
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Pages: 1 2
(Dec 1, 2015, 10:22 PM)evilmat360 Wrote: [ -> ]For option number 2 are we refering to the current usage of the visualiser which shows your jobs colour rather thatn the player that's actually speaking or will it be using the colour of the player that is actually speaking?

It will show the job colour of anybody that is speaking.
No doubt, the job colour should appear as it can help avoid confusion when many people are communicating orally at the same time.
Changing colour depending on job
change on player job pls k thakz
I thought it first was a bug when the colour wouldn't represent the job.

I think we should bring it back. I felt it worked the best, really.
I would like to see number two.
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