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The following list of people are members who are giving Limelight something to make it even better: whether it's a piece of code, a model, or a new design!

Current Contributor and Developer Sections

Development Leadership:

Coding (Lua):


Coding (Web):

Map Design:

Model Design:



Previous Contributors
Players who once were contributors but have since left the team or been promoted to Developer

 - Graphic Design
 - Derma
- Texturing
- Coding (Lua & Web)
- Graphics (now a media team member)
-  Skinning
- Coder
 - Design (Model)
- Coder (Lua)
 - Coding (Lua)
- Skinning/Texturing
- Coding (Lua)
- Model Design
 - Web App Development
- Modeler
- Modeler
- Coding (Web)

- Skinning/Texturing, Coding (Web)
 - Coder (Lua/Photon/Web)
- Coder (Lua/Photon)
 - Graphic/Web Design, Texture Artist, Model Porting

  - Coding (Java)
- Coding (Lua)
- Modeler
 - Coder, Web Design
 - Coder (Web)
 - Coder
  - Modeler

Want to be a Contributor?

Contributors are regular players of Limelight, just like you. If you think you have something worth bringing to Limelight, you can make an application in the applications area! For any questions or queries on applications or the program, please contact the development leads, or .

The position of Contributor gives one access to a sub-forum containing sensitive information regarding Beta/Coding, hence why we cannot be lenient in who is accepted.

We hope to hear from you soon!
I have no idea how to code lua lol
(Nov 27, 2015, 06:07 PM)Noble Wrote: [ -> ]I have no idea how to code lua lol

Thats what every coder says lol
I do have a question. Is there a spot for a player who contributes pictures made in gmod to advertise certain updates and items on LL?
(Dec 28, 2015, 03:04 PM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]I do have a question. Is there a spot for a player who contributes pictures made in gmod to advertise certain updates and items on LL?

Of course if you'd like to we would greatly appreciate it. However as the skill is not something which requires forum/game mode access (such as Graphics/Coding/Modelling) you would stay as Donator or User.
That is completely fine. Just was wondering!
Now is the time to show us what you've got!

If you're good at coding/modelling, make an application today!
(Jan 9, 2016, 04:23 PM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT

(Jan 9, 2016, 04:42 PM)Faustie Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 9, 2016, 04:23 PM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT

Look at the kind of humour you'll be getting!
It's absolutely MAGICAL being a Contributor, right guys?!
I've passed on the role of Contributor Liaison to Voluptious.

Whilst I loved the job, it'd more appropriate and better suited to have a Developer - what's more, an ex-contributor - who understands the systems a bit better and thus can develop (pun not intended) a better rapport with the team.

Thanks 4 d memoriez guys!
Is it just models/codes/graphics that you are looking for in contributors?
Generally speaking, yes. However, if you feel you have a talent that you think would make Limelight better, you can always message the Contributor Liaison (Voluptious) and show it off.
Added a google form to the main page, all aspiring controbutors must fill this. If we need you and you sre suitable for the job we want, you will be given a job. If you do that well and we evaluate that job to be successfull, yoy will be promoted.
i think you guys should approve mine
Google Form submitted.
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