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Full Version: [FINISHED] EvoCity Civil War
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Disclaimer: This is not a shoot the fuck out of anything that moves event!

[Image: Evo_City_Civil_War.png]


The President of EvoCity from 2007-2015 was known to be corrupt, he often stole money from the Government and spent in on personal luxuries such as cars, jewelry and gadgets. It want until late 2015 when the Vice President, Miss Emelia Fraser, found out that her boss was corrupt and on this discovery she immediately started to question him. The President was not fond of this and didn't want her to speak out to the public, therefore he paid the Police Sergeant $100,000 to get his squad to arrest her. Emelia managed to escape and took 15,000 of the City's population of 55,000 to form a new independent state - New EvoCity. About 4 days after the split tensions began to rise, and Emelia called in her Council to discuss an attack on EvoCity and raid the Nexus. This plan was put into motion 2 days later when Emelia's forces crossed the border and entered EvoCity, they swiftly moved to nexus and after about 3 hours of work they destroyed the Nexus' barrier. When they made it to the final stage (The President's Office) they were greeted by the remaining police force with weapons such as AR-15's and AWP's. After successfully killing the guards the Rebellion tortured the President to teach him a lesson before Emelia's brother had the honor of ending the President's life.

How to Join:


[Image: Corrupt_Government.png]

[Image: President.png]
Corrupt President (0/1):

[Image: SWAT.png]

[Image: SWATSergeant.png] Corrupt SWAT Sergeant (0/1):
[Image: SWATPrivate.png] Corrupt SWAT Team (0/3):

[Image: Police.png]

[Image: SWATSergeant.png] Corrupt Police Sergeant (1/1): Brynn
[Image: SWATPrivate.png] Corrupt Police Officer (0/6):


[Image: New_Evo_Rebellion.png]
[Image: Vice_President.png]

Vice President (1/1): Python (Emelia Fraser)
[Image: rebellionleader.png] New EvoCity Rebellion Leader (1/1): Invictus
[Image: SWATPrivate.png] New EvoCity Rebellion (2/15): Blazing, Lizard

EvoCity Citizen (0/#):

Supervising Admin (2/#): Brynn, Invictus (Pred)


1) Steam Name:
2) Playtime:
3) Are you known to be a Minge?:
4) Can you RP well?:


5) Name:
6) Age:
7) Role Applying for:
8) Do you have experience in this role?:

(Do NOT fill out questions: 7 or 8, if you wish to be an EvoCity Citizen)

(Do NOT fill out question: 8, if you wish to be part of the New EvoCity Rebellion (Excl. Leader)


Where?: Event Server (Map: v33x)
Time?: 6pm GMT, 1pm EST

Date?: Sat. 12th December (May be Moved)

Rules & Extras:

All weapons are allowed to be used (MUST be on Burst-Fire or Semi-Auto)
You must follow ALL roleplay rules

Explantion of Roles:

Corrupt Government - Do what you would normally do if RPing as that job, but rush to defend the President once the attacks begins

Rebellion - Raids the Nexus

Normal Officer - Enforces New EvoCity DOES NOT help in the raid (avoid Teamkill)

Normal Citizen - Roleplay as you normally would with passive RP's but as soon as the invasion starts act as you would say if Russia invaded USA or Spain invaded Portugal ect.

If not all slots of a role are reserved, you may join freely.
All people that do not apply to join, but still wish to take part will be a Rebellion Member, or a Citizen
The following jobs are not to be used: Gun Dealer, BM Dealer, Chef, Doctor, Fireman, Medic, SSA, Rebel & Corleone

   Thread - Python
   Graphics - Bambo (MrBigSneeze)
   Building - Python & Brynn
Possibly improve the story as it seems incredibly worth something but needs more effort to show why we should apply!

1) Steam Name: aStrandedBanana
2) Playtime: ~80 Hours
3) Are you known to be a Minge?: Nope. Clean Record
4) Can you RP well?: I try, but I'd say I can, yes


5) Name: Kate Litten
6) Age: 25
7) Role Applying for: Corrupt SWAT Sergeant
8) Do you have experience in this role?: A lot, That is my second favourite job
I say this is a good Idea!     Smile
aStrandedBanana - Corrupt SWAT Sergeant
Invictus - Supervising Admin & (possible) New EvoCity Rebellion Leader

1) Steam Name: [L²:RP] Blazing
2) Playtime: 469
3) Are you known to be a Minge?: No.
4) Can you RP well?: Yes.


5) Name: John 'Blazing' Long
6) Age: 28
7) Role Applying for: New EvoCity Rebellion
(Nov 26, 2015, 09:26 PM)Blazing Wrote: [ -> ]-snip-

Event is in a week and 4 days, keep the requests to take part coming!!
Unfortunately,I am suffering with "Shitty PC" syndrome, so much so that I cannot actually play CityRP in the greater v33x area. It is with great sadness that I will have to withdraw my position. If I can indeed attend, I shall inform you, but in the meanwhile, it is not looking fortunate for me
Looks great, although I cannot make it :/ Good luck!
Huge Thanks to those who took Part.

Shia Labuoef