Nov 29, 2015, 02:13 AM
![[Image: 6K574xhLOAWw-XhMGfNAZTI4GH4N9IEZnfSQMwHF...o8JYkdxysQ]](
ECPA Recruitment Services
Strictly OOC Information
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104890349
Steam Name: [L2:RP] Lizard
Steam Community Profile Link:
Full Name: Kyle "Lizard" Fraser
All Previous Names: N/A
Reason For Name Change: N/A
Gender: Male
Date Of Birth: 29 March 1990 (29/03/1990)
Place Of Birth: United Kingdom, Scotland, Dundee
Country: Scotland
Nationality: Scottish
Occupation: SWAT
Current Address: 37 Lakeside Avenue
Postcode: DD8 OGJ
Date moved into this address: 2010
Current partner also residing at this address: N/A
List all previous addresses in the last 10 years, and reasons for leaving:
15 Corleone Estate - Left family home because It was time for me to get my own house
Details of: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother
Full Names: Mother - Julia Fraser | Father - Johnny Fraser | Sister - Sarah Fraser | Brother - Christopher Fraser
All Previous Names: N/A
Date Of Birth: Mother - 23/06/1971 | Father - 04/08/1970 | Sister - 08/05/1992 | Brother - 27/05/1994
If Deceased, date of death: N/A
Place of birth (town): Dundee
Place of birth (Country): Scotland
Occupation: Mother - Care Worker | Father - Lawyer | Sister - Taxi Driver | Brother - British Army
Current Address: Mother & Father - 15 Corleone Estate | Sister - EvoCity Apartment 106 | Brother - 32 Waterfront Road
Postcode: Mother & Father - DD2 ORP | Brother - DD8 HDF | Sister - DD3 OWE
Do you currently have any job or business interest that you would like to continue should you become a Child Protection Officer?: Yes
If yes, please provide details below
Armed Forces / Armed Police
Do you, or your partner/spouse/civil partner own a shop or any business that requires a licence?: No
If yes, please provide details below
Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action or court marshal with government forces or any other professional bodies? If yes, please provide details below. I.E police force, army, etc.: N/A
Date of incident: N/A
Place of incident: N/A
Charge made and by whom: N/A
Any other relevant information: N/A
Are you currently under any type of investigation?: No
If so, please give details: N/A
Have you EVER been arrested/summonsed/charged/reported/ convicted for any crime or offence, or received an official Police or Procurator Fiscal Warning?: No
If so, please provide details: N/A
Have you EVER been investigated or had any otherwise adverse dealings with the police not included above, but including your particulars being noted by police other than as a witness or complainer?: No
If so, please provide details: N/A
Do you have contact with any person(s) (including relatives) who you know or have reason to believe has criminal convictions, or is engaged in criminal activities, or is a person who associates regularly with such?: No
If yes, complete the following giving name(s), address(es) and dates of birth of the person(s) you have contact with, if this information is known to you. Do not however, personally carry out any checks, or cause any checks to be carried out to obtain this information. You should provide details of the nature of contact/association and the reason why you think they come into this category.: N/A
Have you or your partner in the last 10 years had a loan arrangement terminated by your bank/building society?
Have you or your partner in the last 10 years defaulted on a loan arrangement or other similar arrangement? *
Have you or your partner ever been subject to reposession proceedings? *
Have you or your partner ever filed as bankrupt? *
Do you currently have any debt? If so please provide full details below including amount owed and weekly/monthly/other payment information.: N/A
If answered yes to above, do you consider this debt manageable if taking up the appointment applied for?
I declare that this work is my work and wholly my work. I declare that all information is to the best of my knowledge and current. I give consent for ECPA or other agencies to make full checks against me using this information. I consent to this information being used should any criminal proceedings etc come against me requiring this information to be disclosed.
By checking this box, I agree to the above disclaimer
[size=8pt]All information in this section is STRICTLY OUT OF CHARACTER.[/size]
Steam name: [L2:RP] Lizard
Hours on LL: 520+
Ban history: 0
Blacklist history: 2
[size=8pt]All information in this section is STRICTLY IN CHARACTER. DO NOT release in real life information about yourself, your family, etc.[/size]
Personal Details
Name: Kyle 'Lizard' Fraser
Previous Name(s): N/A
National Insurance Number: 483269
Postcode: DD8 OGJ
Email Address:
Telephone Numbers
Home:01382 4463
Mobile: 535263
Work: 3424 2654
Driving Licence Information
Do you currently own a driving licence?: Yes
Driving Licence Number: 133169
Driving Licence Type: Any
Date of Expiry?: 29/03/2020
Application Type
I am applying to be: Tactical Firearms Team
(place an X beside the role you are applying for)
A Child Protection Officer [X]
Other [] (please specify)
Application Questions
Why do you want to be a [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer?:[/font]
Because I have witnessed some bad child abuse and I would like to help children that are suffering from this.
What do you expect the role of a [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer to be like?:[/font]
I expect it to be Violent at times and a little bit stressful
What impact do you expect becoming a [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer will have on your life?:[/font] It will make me feel like I done something to stop child abuse
What preparation have you undertaken for this application and for the role of [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer?:[/font] I used to be a SWAT member of EvoCity but I wish to step down and become a Tactical Firearms Team member as I will not get shot as much.
What experience do you have which can be relevant to the role of a Child Protection Officer? What skills do you have which could be relevant in this role?:
I used to be a member of the EvoCity SWAT team and this will make me prepared to face most things this job may throw at me
Please provide any further information in support of your application:
Present/Most Recent Employment: EvoCity SWAT Team
Name of Business: EvoCity SWAT Team
Address of Business: EvoCity Nexus
Business Contact Details:
Nature of Business: Law Enforcement
Position Held: SWAT Member
Date started: 29/02/1999
Date left: 27/11/2015
Past Applications: N/A
Have you made any past applications to the ECPA?: N/A
If so, please provide relevant details of any past applications: N/A
Do you have any tattoos?: No
If yes, please provide details: N/A
Are you a United States citizen?: No
If no, is your stay in the US restriction-free?: Yes
I declare that all information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge, and has been completed by myself and no others.
I agree that this application may be declined by the Director with no reason at all given.
I agree that this information may be stored by the ECPA, and shared with other police forces/law enforcement agencies.
SIGN: Kyle Fraser
DATE: 29/11/2015
ECPA Recruitment Services
Strictly OOC Information
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104890349
Steam Name: [L2:RP] Lizard
Steam Community Profile Link:
Full Name: Kyle "Lizard" Fraser
All Previous Names: N/A
Reason For Name Change: N/A
Gender: Male
Date Of Birth: 29 March 1990 (29/03/1990)
Place Of Birth: United Kingdom, Scotland, Dundee
Country: Scotland
Nationality: Scottish
Occupation: SWAT
Current Address: 37 Lakeside Avenue
Postcode: DD8 OGJ
Date moved into this address: 2010
Current partner also residing at this address: N/A
List all previous addresses in the last 10 years, and reasons for leaving:
15 Corleone Estate - Left family home because It was time for me to get my own house
Details of: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother
Full Names: Mother - Julia Fraser | Father - Johnny Fraser | Sister - Sarah Fraser | Brother - Christopher Fraser
All Previous Names: N/A
Date Of Birth: Mother - 23/06/1971 | Father - 04/08/1970 | Sister - 08/05/1992 | Brother - 27/05/1994
If Deceased, date of death: N/A
Place of birth (town): Dundee
Place of birth (Country): Scotland
Occupation: Mother - Care Worker | Father - Lawyer | Sister - Taxi Driver | Brother - British Army
Current Address: Mother & Father - 15 Corleone Estate | Sister - EvoCity Apartment 106 | Brother - 32 Waterfront Road
Postcode: Mother & Father - DD2 ORP | Brother - DD8 HDF | Sister - DD3 OWE
Do you currently have any job or business interest that you would like to continue should you become a Child Protection Officer?: Yes
If yes, please provide details below
Armed Forces / Armed Police
Do you, or your partner/spouse/civil partner own a shop or any business that requires a licence?: No
If yes, please provide details below
Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action or court marshal with government forces or any other professional bodies? If yes, please provide details below. I.E police force, army, etc.: N/A
Date of incident: N/A
Place of incident: N/A
Charge made and by whom: N/A
Any other relevant information: N/A
Are you currently under any type of investigation?: No
If so, please give details: N/A
Have you EVER been arrested/summonsed/charged/reported/ convicted for any crime or offence, or received an official Police or Procurator Fiscal Warning?: No
If so, please provide details: N/A
Have you EVER been investigated or had any otherwise adverse dealings with the police not included above, but including your particulars being noted by police other than as a witness or complainer?: No
If so, please provide details: N/A
Do you have contact with any person(s) (including relatives) who you know or have reason to believe has criminal convictions, or is engaged in criminal activities, or is a person who associates regularly with such?: No
If yes, complete the following giving name(s), address(es) and dates of birth of the person(s) you have contact with, if this information is known to you. Do not however, personally carry out any checks, or cause any checks to be carried out to obtain this information. You should provide details of the nature of contact/association and the reason why you think they come into this category.: N/A
Have you or your partner in the last 10 years had a loan arrangement terminated by your bank/building society?
Have you or your partner in the last 10 years defaulted on a loan arrangement or other similar arrangement? *
Have you or your partner ever been subject to reposession proceedings? *
Have you or your partner ever filed as bankrupt? *
Do you currently have any debt? If so please provide full details below including amount owed and weekly/monthly/other payment information.: N/A
If answered yes to above, do you consider this debt manageable if taking up the appointment applied for?
I declare that this work is my work and wholly my work. I declare that all information is to the best of my knowledge and current. I give consent for ECPA or other agencies to make full checks against me using this information. I consent to this information being used should any criminal proceedings etc come against me requiring this information to be disclosed.
By checking this box, I agree to the above disclaimer
[/size]![[Image: MH04iQI.png]](
EvoCity Child Protection Agency
Protecting tomorrow's generation
Application For Employment
Please see guidance notes for more information.
[size=8pt]All information in this section is STRICTLY OUT OF CHARACTER.[/size]
Steam name: [L2:RP] Lizard
Hours on LL: 520+
Ban history: 0
Blacklist history: 2
[size=8pt]All information in this section is STRICTLY IN CHARACTER. DO NOT release in real life information about yourself, your family, etc.[/size]
Section 1- You
Personal Details
Name: Kyle 'Lizard' Fraser
Previous Name(s): N/A
National Insurance Number: 483269
Postcode: DD8 OGJ
Email Address:
Telephone Numbers
Home:01382 4463
Mobile: 535263
Work: 3424 2654
Driving Licence Information
Do you currently own a driving licence?: Yes
Driving Licence Number: 133169
Driving Licence Type: Any
Date of Expiry?: 29/03/2020
Section 2 - Application
Application Type
I am applying to be: Tactical Firearms Team
(place an X beside the role you are applying for)
A Child Protection Officer [X]
Other [] (please specify)
Application Questions
Why do you want to be a [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer?:[/font]
Because I have witnessed some bad child abuse and I would like to help children that are suffering from this.
What do you expect the role of a [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer to be like?:[/font]
I expect it to be Violent at times and a little bit stressful
What impact do you expect becoming a [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer will have on your life?:[/font] It will make me feel like I done something to stop child abuse
What preparation have you undertaken for this application and for the role of [font=Arial]Child Protection Officer?:[/font] I used to be a SWAT member of EvoCity but I wish to step down and become a Tactical Firearms Team member as I will not get shot as much.
What experience do you have which can be relevant to the role of a Child Protection Officer? What skills do you have which could be relevant in this role?:
I used to be a member of the EvoCity SWAT team and this will make me prepared to face most things this job may throw at me
Please provide any further information in support of your application:
Section 3 - Employment
Present/Most Recent Employment: EvoCity SWAT Team
Name of Business: EvoCity SWAT Team
Address of Business: EvoCity Nexus
Business Contact Details:
Nature of Business: Law Enforcement
Position Held: SWAT Member
Date started: 29/02/1999
Date left: 27/11/2015
Section 4 - More About You
Past Applications: N/A
Have you made any past applications to the ECPA?: N/A
If so, please provide relevant details of any past applications: N/A
Do you have any tattoos?: No
If yes, please provide details: N/A
Are you a United States citizen?: No
If no, is your stay in the US restriction-free?: Yes
I declare that all information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge, and has been completed by myself and no others.
I agree that this application may be declined by the Director with no reason at all given.
I agree that this information may be stored by the ECPA, and shared with other police forces/law enforcement agencies.
SIGN: Kyle Fraser
DATE: 29/11/2015