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I recommend everyone to pay a visit to Vault 75 for some great loot, which is right here on your map.

(Nov 11, 2015, 10:56 AM)Chocolate Labrador link Wrote: [ -> ][quote author=Mahti link=topic=2715.msg26017#msg26017 date=1447213017]
I pirated the game and still feel like being scammed.

And you think that's acceptable to say?

I'm not happy that someone does that to such a great game.
"To such a great game" Why would I pay 60 bucks for unoptimized console port, Never pre-order anything because of hype or because of a franchise. I played 12 hours on the launch and I'm not saying its a bad game by any means, If you can't review the game objectively, I suggest you to read this: and also
(Nov 11, 2015, 12:33 PM)Voluptious link Wrote: [ -> ]Does the game really live up to expectation?
[Image: 0131041995e3abe2f9c955f022284a4d24e1c0e6...6df5f1.jpg]

(Nov 11, 2015, 05:15 PM)Mahti link Wrote: [ -> ][quote author=Chocolate Labrador link=topic=2715.msg26030#msg26030 date=1447232217]
[quote author=Mahti link=topic=2715.msg26017#msg26017 date=1447213017]
I pirated the game and still feel like being scammed.

And you think that's acceptable to say?

I'm not happy that someone does that to such a great game.
"To such a great game" Why would I pay 60 bucks for unoptimized console port, Never pre-order anything because of hype or because of a franchise. I played 12 hours on the launch and I'm not saying its a bad game by any means, If you can't review the game objectively, I suggest you to read this: and also

No game is worth the $60 price tag nowadays, in 1~2 years, the same game will be released with all the DLCs/Content included for those same $60.

After one more year, you get that so called special edition with all the content for $10, waiting is for the smart people.

Plus by then, after all the new hardware, patches and mods the game will be better than ever.

I pirated the game myself, and I'll buy it when it's worth it, you guys can report to local authorities if you want, no one in my country cares.
Fallout 4 got spoiled for me by someone on Facebook, so I'm fucking livid.
If anyone here is new to the Fallout games just a bit of a heads up.

They're known to have a few bugs/issues at launch, after some time they fix it. Its something that happens on almost every new Bethsda game. Just saying...

Either way to me its still the best game I've ever played this year so far, its worth every goddamn bottle cap.
(Nov 11, 2015, 10:17 PM)Rocket link Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone here is new to the Fallout games just a bit of a heads up.

They're known to have a few bugs/issues at launch, after some time they fix it. Its something that happens on almost every new Bethsda game. Just saying...

Either way to me its still the best game I've ever played this year so far, its worth every goddamn bottle cap.

put your tongue away fanboy, lol
(Nov 11, 2015, 10:17 PM)Rocket link Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone here is new to the Fallout games just a bit of a heads up.

They're known to have a few bugs/issues at launch, after some time they fix it. Its something that happens on almost every new Bethsda game. Just saying...

As should be expected, their games are pretty big. If you don't have the will to deal with a couple of bugs at launch then by all means wait it out and see if it gets better in a week or so. I'm on my 20th hour (about 12 hours straight today) and it's worth every penny.
(Nov 11, 2015, 10:17 PM)Rocket link Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone here is new to the Fallout games just a bit of a heads up.

They're known to have a few bugs/issues at launch, after some time they fix it. Its something that happens on almost every new Bethsda game. Just saying...

Either way to me its still the best game I've ever played this year so far, its worth every goddamn bottle cap.

Bethesda has never fixed any of their games, most of the fixes are provided by modders.

Fallout 4 is the most stable game Bethesda has ever released, but some major bugs are still present, bugs that have cursed the Bethesda Engine for years now, and should have been fixed in previous games.
You all are making me jealousĀ  Tongue
I loved FO1, 3, and NV (missed 2). I don't have this yet so am not overly attached and didn't really mind getting spoiled by reading reviews. It seems they took a few steps forward but quick a few back. I don't really like the hugely simplified dialogue wheel in which you barely know what you're going to say or how you're now forced to roleplay a 30-year old person who's constrained by his/her voiced dialogue. Seems as though it's less of an RPG and more of a pure FPS with a few small RPG elements now.

I'll buy the game on sale in a few months when modders have fixed it up. Just a shame that Bethesda relies on modders to fix their games for them, as usual.
Please no spoilers people. I want to explore the commonwealth on myself and the incredibly and overly hyped dog that always gets in the way when I'm killing raiders...
(Nov 12, 2015, 04:26 PM)Rocket link Wrote: [ -> ]Please no spoilers people. I want to explore the commonwealth on myself and the incredibly and overly hyped dog that always gets in the way when I'm killing raiders...

I got the rid of the dog, and was the best thing that happened to me.

Companions AI tend to get in the way a lot, but the dog is the most annoying companion you can get/use.
(Nov 12, 2015, 04:39 PM)Kobi Blade link Wrote: [ -> ][quote author=Rocket link=topic=2715.msg26179#msg26179 date=1447338381]
Please no spoilers people. I want to explore the commonwealth on myself and the incredibly and overly hyped dog that always gets in the way when I'm killing raiders...

I got the rid of the dog, and was the best thing that happened to me.

Companions AI tend to get in the way a lot, but the dog is the most annoying companion you can get/use.

Dogmeat is the greatest companion throughout all of the Bethesda games, right on par the the adoring fan from Oblivion.
My biggest tragedy in Fallout 3 was obtaining Dogmeat just as a car blew up, killing him. One of the few times I shouted 'No!' in a game.
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