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Full Version: [DONE] The Great Disaster of '72
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The Great Disaster of 1972

[Image: wtKGFmt.jpg]

[Image: ieCZ8Ua.png]

[Image: jFll4vn.png]

[Image: BCwMIte.png]

[Image: k6kuxIX.png]

[Image: 1fk5EGC.png]

The event will happen Saturday the 14th, 3PM GMT+0 (UK Time).

President Smith is waiting for you in the Nexus...

Credits :
Maniac - Thread, Images and building.
Brynn - Story and building.
lods of emone - Helped with building.
evilmat360 - Helped with building.

I shall be there, looks brilliant! Great job Manic, Brynn, Lods and Mat!
Sounds great, looking forward to it Tongue
Looking sooo good! Can't wait!
Buildings look amazing guys good job, I'll be there!
What. What happened "a few months after President Smith resigned" ?
Will be there anyways!
(Nov 9, 2015, 11:17 PM)Markus link Wrote: [ -> ]What. What happened "a few months after President Smith resigned" ?

You'll have to come and find out Big Grin
Hi mom!
Looks good. Hopefully I'll be there.
Event is postponed to 4:30PM GMT
I might be able to join at that time.  It'll be close!


IP :

Password : 1321
Great RP guys.
Brilliant RP, great hosts!
Great RP, especially the elevator part.
Pages: 1 2