Stopping playing the server so selling for cheap
how about low are you willing to go?
I'll take it off yer hands for 1.25 mil baby
15 TF2 Mann co supply crate keys aka 15x1,98euro
I Wannna buy it for like 1,3 or something say a prics to me and a wuold buy it 1,2 to 1,5 or something like that would a pay pm Mikepro67 if you are intressted
I have the Money now just ADD steam: Mikepro67 a have 1,5 or what you want for it add me and talk in the chat more about prics and all
I have 1.3 mill a dodge charger and a bunch off medium pockets and guns
HeroZ, this thread was from October of LAST year.
Bought it
Moved and Closed.