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Full Version: /roll Bug
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So if you are a person in handcuffs, I am also guessing rope, you can't use /roll, as seen in this picture,
I think that's intentional.
I also think that's intentional, though tbh technically rolling is OOC and shouldn't be blocked by being tied up. (E.g with agreement between the hostage and the hostage takers rolls could be used to RP struggle against binds, headbutting people etc).
Rolling is not ooc, it is a method for aquireing a result for an IC action.

IE: You wish to RP sucker punching someone in a situation where you both have decided its going to be more serious, how do you decide how it goes, does it work, how well does it work?

You both roll and it will randomly decide who wins, how much it succeeds by, and from there the players can base their actions from it.

This to me seems like an oversight or a misunderstanding of just what the roll function is, its not you literaly rolling a dice, its an abstract concept
Yes, which is exactly why I said that rolling is OOC, because you aren't rolling a dice, it's just a number that appears out of thin air and helps players decide what happens next. It can cause an IC action but the act itself is not IC. And because you are not rolling the dice physically you should still be able to do it when tied up. That is what I meant ^-^
Feature is functioning as intended.