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Full Version: Ban Request On Rastafari
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First of all me and Kinder man&Moritz and Rastafari was at the server nobody was at the server at this time except us and then i saw Rastafari ( The rebel ) parking infront of my house at my praking spot so i rammed his car by my car and pushed it at the lake he took a prop and pushed my car at the lake and killed me with a gun after the a little min i died at the middle of the lake so i went in the houses infront of the lake and saw him coming so he CDM me for no reason well i died so he can act normal because of NLR but insted he CDM me and he Raided my friends house for no vaild reason.

His steam Id and Stuff :

I forgot my game name is ChosenKuN My steam ID isĀ  : STEAM_0:1:67020765
and Rastafari ID is : STEAM_0:0:86954879
I am a witness to this case.

I heard a body falling, the usual sound, and saw Rastafari running towards the pine trees, after he exited his car. I went closes to investigate and saw ChooseKun's body fallen next the stairs of the house, with recent blood sprites.

It seems all indicates to possible CDM.

All Regards
And yes Kinder man is a witness because he was living ifront of my house and we was together
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