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Full Version: Fruito
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So Rocket doesn't ban me before hand but once I make a comment saying that we are told to take it to pm and I wasn't the one bringing it up in OOC, I get banned. Seems like someone realised i was right in that case and resorted to a ban. Funny how nothing was done before that comment.
Seems very selective with who is targeted, I see people running around all the time in a gang or as a criminal wearing gas masks. Yet when I was simply standing still, AFK, I get plucked into the air asked why am I wearing a gas mask.

So how come it doesn't work both ways, were is haazys ban for insulting me or posting it the OOC for everyone to see. I asked him why and he resorted to calling me a child and mentioning grammar for no reason. Just cause he cant take the response, he then starts using OOC, in an effort to get people who it doesn't concern involved.
He then blocked pm. I then stopped and didn't say a word until he starts making comments in OOC.

And no this is not an unban request.
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