Limelight Forums

Full Version: Hello! And a bit about me....
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Hello everyone.

I recently started playing Limelight as I had heard most of the staff from *insert other server name here* had started their own server. I instantly enjoyed it and donated (had to :p). The community is amazing, the staff are [b]very[b] nice and welcoming and this server is very unique.

A bit about me:
  • I am an intern at Buffalo Web Developers
  • I am currently taking my GCSE's
  • I am an Air Cadet (1440 Shoreham Squadron)

I look forward with playing with you.

Dwight K Schrute
Assistant to the Regional Manager
Welcome!  8)
Welcome to limelight! glad to have you here Smile
Already met you ingame. Nice guy and a fellow The Office fan <3 Welcome
Welcome to LimeLight!
Hello hello
Welcome mate
Welcome to the limelight, already saw you on servers and glad to see you on the forums as well!
Welcome Smile
[move][Image: uxNO6Mn.png][/move]
Hey there.
Hello there mate.
Pages: 1 2