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Full Version: GRiiM's Departure
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Hey guys,

I'm just letting you all know that I'm going to be leaving LimeLight.
It's something that I've considered for a while now and I feel it's the time to do it.

The reason for this is simply that I have grown bored with the CityRP gamemode - Not because of the community or anything like that, it's due to having literally thousands of hours played on it and I want a change of scenery now.
As for contributing, quite frankly I am tired of working on such an outdated game engine where what should be simple modeling jobs are overly complicated and time-consuming and I just don't have the patience for it any more. I would much rather work with modern software that'll be beneficial to my portfolio (UE4 ftw).
I'll still check up on the forums now and then but for the most part I'll be inactive from here on out.

I'm not going to make a list of individual people who have really made LimeLight entertaining because I know that I will unintentionally miss people off. But those people should know who they are anyway, thank you all Smile

I'd like to say thanks to the staff team for all of their work with keeping things running and allowing me the opportunity to be a contributor.
Also thanks to the Cerberus clan for inviting me to join, your roleplays were enjoyable to say the least.

Good luck to you all and keep the community growing!

Oh man :/ I'm gonna miss you, thanks for all the work you've done for this community we all greatly appreciated it.

hope to see you again someday.
GRiiM, you will always be my bae, DW
Sad to see you go friend. One face which will always be welcome.
One of the best for sure. It's sad to see you go.
Goodbye GRiiM and good luck in the future!
See ya later, enjoy whatever you go onto  Smile
I'm gonna miss you brother. Thank you for your contribution and everything Smile! You're always welcome!!
cya lad Sad
See ya later GRiiM good luck for your future plans
Have fun.
Too bad to see you go GRiiM, you will be missed and are welcome back anytime.
Cya GriiM, good luck with your future and always remember that you're welcome back anytime.
GriiM pls no
Bye GRiiM I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do next and hopefully one day you shall return, take care.
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