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Full Version: What's the craziest/most toxic thing you've ever crashed/dumped in the Evo lake?
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Basically, I'm writing an EvoCity news article about how polluted the Evo lake is and what-not, and I was wondering what the craziest or most toxic thing you've ever dumped or crashed into the lake is?
I remember I've dumped a metric crap ton of radioactive waste in there while working for Weyland-Yutani.

I'll use a lot of the responses in the article.
The borialis along with 15 shipping containers

No survivors
A wooden chest, when I opened it I found multiple admin suits... I threw it back in since it gave me nightmares.
My applicants.
BouncingBall's newspaper articles... oh wait, I could never find them in the first place....

I crashed the Seawise Giant (an oil tanker with a length of 1,504.1 ft, largest ship by length)
I once took a printscreen of twitch chat and dropped it on the lake.
My mixtape.
how are the inhabitants of evocity still alive
i remember once liv burned radioactive waste in a fountain like it was no big deal
bodies.... boats....

we might have bombed it a few times....
1300+ accumulated hours' worth of bodies.
My dignity
A silo with pig crap in it.
If I recall correctly, Waj's mum went swimming in there once
My hopes and dreams.
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