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Full Version: BR on Clementio
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He provided most of the funds for the meth and he was there even in TS when we were roleplaying. Saying he's not involved is an insult towards him as he provided most of the money for it
Not directly involved with report, already warned.


NB: Only post when you are the original author or the player in question, or have something significant to contribute.
If we require more evidence, then it will be called upon.
(Sep 28, 2015, 08:39 PM)Cate link Wrote:[quote author=Clementio link=topic=2072.msg20207#msg20207 date=1443465490]
[quote author=Cate link=topic=2072.msg20205#msg20205 date=1443465416]
[quote author=Clementio link=topic=2072.msg20198#msg20198 date=1443465179]
What a bait video, you can't hear shit lmao. If anything this proves you random raided because you can't hear shit in that video therefore you couldn't have detected anything inside. LEL. [Image: Gt+comraderoboto+is+being+a+massive+fagg...53deaa.png]

You are NOT Involved i suggest you stop talking in this Ban Request.

Also i already said i was there for long time not just when they hear me at the door. I was checking the industries for around 5/10 minutes and hear that Drug Lab.
Dude I sold off my car to help Suarez afford all that, mate. I was part of the RP until my power went off!

You were not there when it happend. You'r NOT Involved.
I don't think you quite understand this, but I'll explain it again: I LOST MONEY AND I AM THEREFORE PISSED. Also I can prove I am involved using this photo: https://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c...B9346F359/

Well and i haveĀ  to say it again. In the moment this happend you were NOT there.

About the money. Your friends lost it. They got raided and lost. No my problem, everyone win and lose cash. Don't make a drama about it.
Think you mean random raided there mate. Let's not get all menstrual about it. Have a fosters, let's calm down overlooking the fantastic Aussie sunset! [Image: Fosters-Fosters-1.jpg]
(Sep 28, 2015, 08:44 PM)Suarez link Wrote:Think you mean random raided there mate. Let's not get all menstrual about it. Have a fosters, let's calm down overlooking the fantastic Aussie sunset! [Image: Fosters-Fosters-1.jpg]

User warned - Brynn
I have to ask this: Why are you guys lying in Courthouse when you say that Drug Lab as no charges and has no money when in the video it clearly shows the druglab near the wall at 3/5 charges and 140 money on it?

Also why that "Fuck Off" in Local OOC?

There is a rule that says: Keep in mind: Fabricating or tampering with evidence with intent to mislead, and providing false statements is under zero tolerance - committing such violations will lead to a perm ban.

Also you are publishing bottles and stuff not related to the Ban Request. General Rule 4: Do not troll in the serious forums. This includes the Community Related Information, CityRP Area, and the Courthouse.
I said I thought it had no charge I was never definite if you look back. Also I was angered at the act it literally took me and my mates hours to get that Mehta together and you come and random raid to ruin it. Also calm down, believe it or not I do have knowledge of the rules. Take a joke and stop taking everything so seriously in life, you'll never have any fun.
(Sep 28, 2015, 10:43 PM)Suarez link Wrote:I said I thought it had no charge I was never definite if you look back. Also I was angered at the act it literally took me and my mates hours to get that Mehta together and you come and random raid to ruin it. Also calm down, believe it or not I do have knowledge of the rules. Take a joke and stop taking everything so seriously in life, you'll never have any fun.

In the Courthouse you have to be serious. This is not the kindergarten.

Also when you are not certain of something you dont start making up random stuff just to have a case going your way, but maybe this is the way you handle things in tribunals.
If i didnt have my fraps on at the time i would not have anything to prove that you and your friends wrote lies. But thank god Clementio always has his fraps on for people who shot ban requests for everything when rp's dont go their way.
I would like to add, only things relevant to the case need to be posted. Anyone found to be posting not needed posts will be warned.

Also only people who are directly involved with the case need to post.
Clementio, do you just look at my posts and ignore all of it? I said I THOUGHT that there was 0 energy I NEVER 100% knew what the energy was. There is still no proof you heard any sounds. Also, can you stop insulting my intelligence, funnily enough I had a good grasp of the rules.
Case is currently under review, thank you for your patience.

Keep in mind that posts must be relevant to the original post; arguing or trolling is not required, clutters up the request and breaks forum rules.
I don't want to see any more posts in this thread unless it is absolutely crucical - no acknowledgements of this statement, smug replies, nothing.

Members who have violated these rules have been given a warning.
I have one question for Clementio:

Why were you outside of their base to begin with?

User has 12 hours to respond before a judgement is made.
(Sep 29, 2015, 05:25 PM)Safira link Wrote:I have one question for Clementio:

Why were you outside of their base to begin with?

User has 12 hours to respond before a judgement is made.

Like i said before. I joined police, then i made my patrol like i always do. (city was empty so i was straigh to industrials because some rebels with low amount of hours did some props to block the tunnel that goes for TV/Car Dealer/Old Motel, i was not going to get BR on low players so i decide to tell them to remove the props in voice chat (you can also check before i made the warrant that someone did spawn the props im talking, "the road block most used props". that can prove what im saying) so after they keep "minging" i just let them there im no mod or admin to do anything about so i continue patrolling to the industrial area.) Then when i entered industrials i heard some meth sounds that we all know that can be heard from LONG distance. I suspected for someone doing meth so i left my vehicle and run around the houses/industrials. After couple of minutes i returned to my vehicle and then i searched all area, when i also hear the drug lab. Then i keep hanging around to found the house and it was all opened doors till i stop my car into "Suarez House Gate" as you can see in video. Then i follow the RP and decide to search that house because it was the house that i hear the meth sounds previously.

The problem is that Suarez and his friends THINK i only arrived there in the moment they know. But i was in the industrials on foot for some minutes Smile

Anything else or something you did not understand, please ask me.

Edit: I edited because i forget to state something.
I was expecting Suarez to change his Ban Request and of course hide that he Lie in the Courthouse so i took this screenshots:

As you can see now at this moment he changed and it says:
(Sep 29, 2015, 05:39 PM)Clementio link Wrote:[quote author=Safira link=topic=2072.msg20370#msg20370 date=1443540311]
I have one question for Clementio:

Why were you outside of their base to begin with?

User has 12 hours to respond before a judgement is made.

Like i said before. I joined police, then i made my patrol like i always do. (city was empty so i was straigh to industrials because some rebels with low amount of hours did some props to block the tunnel that goes for TV/Car Dealer/Old Motel, i was not going to get BR on low players so i decide to tell them to remove the props in voice chat (you can also check before i made the warrant that someone did spawn the props im talking, "the road block most used props". that can prove what im saying) so after they keep "minging" i just let them there im no mod or admin to do anything about so i continue patrolling to the industrial area.) Then when i entered industrials i heard some meth sounds that we all know that can be heard from LONG distance. I suspected for someone doing meth so i left my vehicle and run around the houses/industrials. After couple of minutes i returned to my vehicle and then i searched all area, when i also hear the drug lab. Then i keep hanging around to found the house and it was all opened doors till i stop my car into "Suarez House Gate" as you can see in video. Then i follow the RP and decide to search that house because it was the house that i hear the meth sounds previously.

The problem is that Suarez and his friends THINK i only arrived there in the moment they know. But i was in the industrials on foot for some minutes Smile

Anything else or something you did not understand, please ask me.

Edit: I edited because i forget to state something.

Can I add that he said he was circling our base or 10 minutes, making it seem like he was waiting for something to happen?
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