OOC: I say we imagine the grey countries as being the real countries they are today, given of course, some of them will have some very slight historical differences. (Like CCP China being DUPK's buddy, regardless of political ideology, etc). Speaking of such:
제국주의의 꿈은 죽지 않는다! - Dreams of Imperialism Do Not Die!
[font=times new roman]Tensions reach historic new heights as Japan's Revisionist Leader and his cabinet, authorize a new bill allowing foreign deployment of Japanese troops to "defend allies of the Nation of Japan". China and Russia may now have to re-evaluate their foreign policy in the pacific, but what comes next for Korea? Why has the U.K.A. done nothing to curtail militarization of the island nation of Japan, the former empire that still hasn't officially apologized for its previous aggressive military ambitions in Asia, and the horrors inflicted on Korea during earlier wars? Since the fall of the Japanese Empire and its armed forces, both the north and south were granted safety from the islanders. Now that the wall between our countries' military histories slowly begins to crumble, will we be targeted once again?
Written by Geun Min-Soo of the SD-Korea blog.
(ooc: made up blog, will be future source of some "news-type" info)
1. The D.U.P.K.'s elections are nearly completed, the votes will be counted in the next turn.
2. Meanwhile, Interim leader Lt Gen. Hwan Byung-Hoon and his military advisers decide to set aside 100 combat specialists and several shipments of reclaimed soviet-era firearms, artillery and munitions from the "Second War" to help train local forces in developping regions.
3. Minister of Immigration and Integration, Mi Seung-Won, signs bill to repair Korea's antiquated immigration process. The bill will be brought to the legislative assembly next month. if passed, citizens displaced due to war or disease will be granted refugee status, and will be permitted Korean citizenship. However, citizenship will be rejected if the 4 "Modular Korean Language Tests" given at 6 month intervals following granting of citizenship, are not passed. Progressive NKRP representatives from Gyeonggi-do province seem divided on the bill.
4. International Pop Star Justine Beger was arrested in Jeju Province for excessive possession of marijuana, carrying a whopping 4 times the Ministry of Health's alotted bi-annual amount of a quarter ounce. The Ministry of Health was pressured to legalize cannibis due to the North's previous complete disregard for treating it as a narcotic.
![[Image: asiaAfrika_aacc2015Id.jpg]](https://www.globalindonesianvoices.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/asiaAfrika_aacc2015Id.jpg)
5. Federal ministers, Jin Young-Chul (of Finance) and Dr. Gi Jeong-Seok (of Education) are scheduled to appear at the annual Africa-Asia Co-Operation Summit. Both will be speaking about the growing Korean interest for economic ties to the region and a re-evaluation of the current education systems in most African nations. Dr. Gi will be proposing the idea to send african students to Korea to partake in university programs unavaible in their home countries. Korea has a 100% literacy rate, and an academically successful population, which would give students from undeveloped countries an oppurtunity to study in a country where a beneficial education is every citizen's main priority.