Sep 13, 2015, 05:12 PM
Ban ID- 757
Banned by- [L²] Rocket
Server- cityrp-evocity v33x
ban reason- Randomly hostaging (8.1) Running around hostaging everyone randomly. 5th ban in less than 10 hours
why i should be unbanned- hi i have come back from holiday just recently and have found out that my brother has been playing on my computer. he has told me that he got my steam account banned from your server 5 times and that the fifth is permanent. i haven't played much on your server i clocked up around 2 hours worth of playtime and my brother has the last 8. i would like to apologize on his behalf and would like my profile to be allowed access to your server if at all possible. i know that he has done some annoying things on your server and i hope you find solace in the fact that he will never be playing on my pc or garrys mod again
if you would unban my profile i will be very gratefull

thanks again
Ban ID- 757
Banned by- [L²] Rocket
Server- cityrp-evocity v33x
ban reason- Randomly hostaging (8.1) Running around hostaging everyone randomly. 5th ban in less than 10 hours
why i should be unbanned- hi i have come back from holiday just recently and have found out that my brother has been playing on my computer. he has told me that he got my steam account banned from your server 5 times and that the fifth is permanent. i haven't played much on your server i clocked up around 2 hours worth of playtime and my brother has the last 8. i would like to apologize on his behalf and would like my profile to be allowed access to your server if at all possible. i know that he has done some annoying things on your server and i hope you find solace in the fact that he will never be playing on my pc or garrys mod again
if you would unban my profile i will be very gratefull

thanks again