Sep 6, 2015, 04:15 PM
Your Name: Eriks
Issued by: Rocket
Blacklist ID: 743
Server: V33x
Why should you be unblacklisted?: Me and two of my friends where having fun in my friends base neat Corleone spawn, suddently we got raided and the police came. Then we where tased and harrassed for no reason. I was getting bored and wanted to start over because they didnt have any warrants it took even longer, therefore i asked if they could send me to jail to get it done. They didnt listen and therefore i asked them to kill me. I understand that this is fail RP, but i think that because this is my first ban i could get a warning / Shorter ban.
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.
Issued by: Rocket
Blacklist ID: 743
Server: V33x
Why should you be unblacklisted?: Me and two of my friends where having fun in my friends base neat Corleone spawn, suddently we got raided and the police came. Then we where tased and harrassed for no reason. I was getting bored and wanted to start over because they didnt have any warrants it took even longer, therefore i asked if they could send me to jail to get it done. They didnt listen and therefore i asked them to kill me. I understand that this is fail RP, but i think that because this is my first ban i could get a warning / Shorter ban.
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.