Narcos is an American crime drama television series that debuted on August 28, 2015, on NetAnother Communityix. The series was created by Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard and Doug Miro, and directed by Brazilian filmmaker José Padilha, and is a serialized take on drug kingpin Pablo Escobar and the Medellín Cartel. -
Have any of you watched the series or know about the history of Pablo Escobar? If so, what are your views?
I watched it, it's fucking good
Gonna watch tonight, been needing a new show to watch.
This looks really good, gonna start watching it now!
Edit: Watched 4 episodes, damn this is a great show.
Good to see Oberyn alive once again.
I'm now done with the series and I will differently be comfortable about recommending this series to anyone who liked "Breaking Bad" and those kind of shows.
I've needed a good series to kill some time with. I'll probably watch an episode tonight and i'll see whether I like it from there.
This is a real inspiration for those aspiring drug dealers here on LimeLight.
Any Narcos inspired RP yet?
Waiting for S2.. Can't wait for it, I love the serie!
Just finished episode 3. I really like it
any1 wana netflix and chill?
Watched it all last week, it was pretty good
Sense8 is another good Netflix series
Watched first episode and I liked it. It seems like a copy of Breaking Bad to me, and I'm not sure if the guy narrates the whole series or just the first episode. If he narrates the whole series, I think I'll lose interest fast. Anyway, I liked it.