Sep 2, 2015, 11:07 PM
Your Name: Blazing
Ban ID: STEAM_0:1:60623768
Banned by: [L²] PREDITOR OF WAR
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: Breaking FearRP
Why should you be unbanned?: Literally, this was a big misunderstanding. I went up to an officer to see what was going on, then he cuffs me and says "get on the ground". I was on a hill, so I assumed that he would want me to go down the ground and face towards my parked car or something [didn't make RP sense to tell me to "get down on the ground" when I was already standing, at least in my point of view at the time]. Then he tazed me as I went down the hill and towards my car. I then called an admin [wrongfully, I thought I was following his request but I actually misunderstood/misinterpreted the officer's request] for random taze. The admin in question came, started questioning me about why I broke FearRP. I even explained to him that I misinterpreted the request but all he said was "You have more hours than me and you don't understand what it means to get on the ground?" and reitterated that I had broke FearRP. Again, I explained that I was misunderstanding the officer and apologised, and then asked if we could continue RP as usual.
That clearly didn't happen, as the admin just recklessly banned me for 24 hours. This doesn't make sense from my point of view. First of all, I was handcuffed. Why would I try to break FearRP? Maybe this would make more sense if I was uncuffed and could run, then take out a gun or something and shoot the officer or get in my car and drive off, but I couldn't do anything even if I did intend to break FearRP. Also, he mentioned my hours yet that would be something in my case. I've only ever been banned once before in my 150+ hours on this server [for a misunderstanding on the rules, case is still pending a reply]. If I really wanted to break FearRP, I'd do it in a more important time such as if a fellow Rebel/Corleone was being arrested. In this case, I was doing nothing at the time but driving around the city.
I don't know, but I just feel that the ban was really harsh considering the circumstances. I'd already explained that I was misunderstood and was apologetic about it at the time, simply wanting to continue to RP the situation as usual. Instead, I got a ban. I feel that good RP should be prioritized over simplying banning someone despite the person explaining their actions...
Evidence: N/A but the officer involved [can't remember username] and the admin [who supposedly was there the whole time] would probably agree with my story.
Ban ID: STEAM_0:1:60623768
Banned by: [L²] PREDITOR OF WAR
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: Breaking FearRP
Why should you be unbanned?: Literally, this was a big misunderstanding. I went up to an officer to see what was going on, then he cuffs me and says "get on the ground". I was on a hill, so I assumed that he would want me to go down the ground and face towards my parked car or something [didn't make RP sense to tell me to "get down on the ground" when I was already standing, at least in my point of view at the time]. Then he tazed me as I went down the hill and towards my car. I then called an admin [wrongfully, I thought I was following his request but I actually misunderstood/misinterpreted the officer's request] for random taze. The admin in question came, started questioning me about why I broke FearRP. I even explained to him that I misinterpreted the request but all he said was "You have more hours than me and you don't understand what it means to get on the ground?" and reitterated that I had broke FearRP. Again, I explained that I was misunderstanding the officer and apologised, and then asked if we could continue RP as usual.
That clearly didn't happen, as the admin just recklessly banned me for 24 hours. This doesn't make sense from my point of view. First of all, I was handcuffed. Why would I try to break FearRP? Maybe this would make more sense if I was uncuffed and could run, then take out a gun or something and shoot the officer or get in my car and drive off, but I couldn't do anything even if I did intend to break FearRP. Also, he mentioned my hours yet that would be something in my case. I've only ever been banned once before in my 150+ hours on this server [for a misunderstanding on the rules, case is still pending a reply]. If I really wanted to break FearRP, I'd do it in a more important time such as if a fellow Rebel/Corleone was being arrested. In this case, I was doing nothing at the time but driving around the city.
I don't know, but I just feel that the ban was really harsh considering the circumstances. I'd already explained that I was misunderstood and was apologetic about it at the time, simply wanting to continue to RP the situation as usual. Instead, I got a ban. I feel that good RP should be prioritized over simplying banning someone despite the person explaining their actions...
Evidence: N/A but the officer involved [can't remember username] and the admin [who supposedly was there the whole time] would probably agree with my story.