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Full Version: Rebel and Police is Raiding Togheter ?
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At 08/29/2015 i was playing CityRP and had a base behind backstreet hotel when i placed my dupe i sended out an admin message if one of them could come and check out my base if its Doomforting OR NOT. Ollie did say its fine and i asked him in Pm so its fine to propblock bathroom i wont use it or something nothing is in there i probaly got no answer after a police raid i got raided again from the police maybe 1 hour later after the first one It was Police again. I heard some people speakin it was Rebels and Police after a short While a Rebel Comes and Throws a molotov in my base and burned my fade down i was fucking suprised. General Rickets was Police Sargent and they had Help from REBELS ?!?!?!? than he says my base is Doomforting everyone came Ollie Too He said I never saw this when i was here and stuff i was suprised again and fucking pissed the only thing what i placed was a Kamera after ollie gone i forgot that you cant have Flying Kameras But why you get a 6 hour Blacklist for a Flying Kamera and why dafuq Rebel and Police is Helping i asked General in OOC and he said this isnt Fearless and stuff and the rebels didnt Raid me

you can check the logs...
Uh, are you sure you didn't mean to put this in the UBR board?
Nah i dont need a Unblack list it dosent get removed anyways and General would only answer when the time for my Blacklist is over i just want to see some answers and reactions. im really fucking really pissed...