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Full Version: Mustang is out
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Well, the time has come.
As many of you have probably noticed my activity has been next to none, not just on LimeLight but across all gaming in general.
I've had many personal problems within the last month and I've still yet to overcome the majority of them and right now I feel that, and school is a priority as I come closer to GCSEs and improving my overall behavior and effort.

During my time playing not only here but on Fearless, where I met the majority of my friends on has been a blast. I've been thankful for the majority of you, although I feel I've lost friends recently and well shit happens I guess.

I've argued, been immature, been a dick to people, but I've tried my best as a teacher to be helpful and friendly to everyone no matter who.

I'm not going to make some long list because there's no point.

I'll still hop on the servers some time just to say hi and see how it's all going but apart from that you probably won't be seeing me again.

Peace out y'all, enjoy yourself and whatever else comes along, see ya.
no. why do this?
Good bye Mustang, it was a pleasure working with you. Hopefully I will see you around again some time.  Sad
Lol Mustang was a total noob.
Bye :'c The song I thought of when you told me you were going
Seeya mate, good luck with your GCSEs and other future endeavors and maybe we'll see you around sometime!
Seeya, man. Sorry that I didn't do too much with you this time 'round. Good luck in your future.
Sad to see you go man. Hope to see you around again some day.
Goodbye Mustang, I always enjoyed chatting with you in OOC on quiet nights/mornings! Farewell and good luck with your studies, They are always more important than the video games.
Ahhh fuck sake.

Sad to see you go, Mustang. Best of luck with your GCSE's mate.
Noooo mate!

Sad to see you go mate, I've known you since I began Gmod, I won't forget all the great times we had Smile. Stay in touch and good luck with your GCSE's mate!
Goodbye Mustang! Stay in touch.
[move][Image: 2dvtnoy.png][/move]

Can I have your mortar board?

Bye bye.
Good bye Mustang! You gave me some fish on FL a while ago, I am forever grateful.
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