Limelight Forums

Full Version: Lumberjack RP
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Not much to say...
We were chopping wood.

Enjoy the video down below!

I recommend 1080p60 and fullscreen. Enjoy!
Not gonna lie, with all those cars there it was pretty laggy!!
My Tides Truck ^_^
Literally 90% of the entire server was cutting wood at that moment. There were even more people and cars outside of the screenshots. It was pretty crazy.

[Image: B4CE2E80F1E148FC46A4895498DE22B38A920EA3]

[Image: E9C1419038FA91F513D008C8D6F7FC950C2A70BA]
Nice to see that we can make a roleplay out of anything... I saw it myself, it looked pretty well thought out.

Well done.