Which one do you like/use and why? I'm currently using Windows 8.1, and I love it!
Tell me your opinions below!
My fav is win 8!
All you need,nothing more. 8)
I'm using it right now.
Currently using Windows 7. Avoiding any upgrade to 8.1 or 10 because I am worried it'll fuck up some programs on my PC.
No intention of ever purchasing a Mac, so therefore never use their OS.
I've had Windows 10 for about 2 months now and I love it. Wouldn't use anything else.
[me=Falcon]Prepares a noose and puts his head inside the knot.[/me]
(Aug 23, 2015, 06:39 PM)Falcon link Wrote: [ -> ][me=Falcon]Prepares a noose and puts his head inside the knot.[/me]
[me=Preditor]Pulls the lever and sends Falcon away.[/me]
Windows 10 is by far the best I've used. I've used Mac OS, it's nice but I prefer windows, it's easier to use IMO.
I had windows 8.1 and I thought it was brilliant then got a developer preview of windows 10 and thought it was great so got the full version!
I use both as my PC is Windows 10 and my laptop is OSX
To work on and due to programmes I use I prefer Mac for that and for gaming I prefer Windows
glass door 30 is the best OS
(Aug 24, 2015, 04:20 PM)Burnett link Wrote: [ -> ]No Linux? Shame
There, added it for ya