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Full Version: Unblacklist Props Request
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Looking over some of the banned props, some honestly shouldn't be banned and can be used for RPs but can't half the time due to them being banned.

As a way of tackling this, you can submit a request for the prop to be unblacklisted and the team will look at the request and it'll either be accepted/denied.

You can apply for a prop to be unblacklisted by using the following template:
[b]Name of Prop:[/b]
[b]Use of Prop:[/b]
[b]Why should it be unblacklisted:[/b]
[b]Full path to prop (for example: models/copcar.mdl):[/b]
[b]Pictures of prop:[/b]

Kind Regards,
LimeLight Development Team.
Name of Prop: pi_boat
Use of Prop: To be used on the lake to fish, instead of the broken canoe that nobody in their right mind would use.
Why should it be unblacklisted: I really don't see why this was banned in the first place.  It's not particularly big and neither is it something you can drive around. I get the fact it is quite large and could be used for propkilling, however there are many other props that could already be used. We should not limit things because they 'could be abused' otherwise we might as well remove all prop access. In fact, before this reply was made a suggestion to unban this prop, which was already moved forward for developer review, can be found here:
I am writing this reply now because I feel this is a more relevant section for it.
Full path to prop (for example: models/copcar.mdl): models/props/de_piranesi/pi_boat.mdl
Name of Prop:
2. styrofoam_cups
3. toaster
4. water_cooler
5. toiletpaperdispenser_residential
6. fortifications/barricade_razorwire001_128_reference
Use of Prop: First 5 props are for normal RP ex: /me take a cup and fill it with water from the water cooler.
the last prop is for the army RP with the military suit that will be or just normal barricade.
Why should it be unblacklisted: Normal props that I think would not harm anyone. Improving the RP even when you are not trying to RP.
Full path to prop (for example: models/copcar.mdl):
1. models/props_interiors/coffee_maker.mdl
2. models/props_interiors/styrofoam_cups.mdl
3. models/props_interiors/toaster.mdl
4. models/props_interiors/water_cooler.mdl
5. models/props_interiors/toiletpaperdispenser_residential.mdl
6. models/props_fortifications/barricade_razorwire001_128_reference.mdl
Name of Prop: All the car props from the LL content packs
Use of Prop: Car sales RP, car show RP, Something to put on your driveway instead of a focus
Why should it be unblacklisted: Well other larger vehicle props are unblack listed such as the bus which I don't see useful in a car show (maybe as a chauffeur), the other car props should be unblacklisted too. For example, the a classic looking car is not black listed but some other cars are. Plus it shouldn't have been black listed in the first place.
Full path to prop (for example: models/copcar.mdl): You would have a better idea than me, they are all in the LL content packs
Pictures of prop:

ps - I have no idea why everything is bold, sorry.
Name of Prop: N/A
Use of Prop: For many situations , most of them for build specs and details and some usefull
Why should it be unblacklisted: To make the roleplays way more realistic and helping them with some good details (most of the for details and create some good spaces
Full path to prop (for example: models/copcar.mdl):

  -City Pole with cables and light-

-Elevator prop-

-Iron Arch gates and windows from prison of CSS-

-Gate prison (around 2 meters by 2)-

-Normal and small tree pine similar to the ones that are in lake-

-Several types of rock and sizes-

-All the larges blocks from builder folder , usefull for do walls and docks for exampple-
Any answer to my post? Thank You