Aug 14, 2015, 02:09 PM
[b]Time/Date:[Thursday 08/13/2015]
[b]Steam ID:[I dont know how to get that i forgot the link]
[b]Name of Administrator:[Raptor]
[b]Evidence:[Check the logs]
Raptor was Police and i was rebel i was wanted for reckless driving but i got TPd to an admin situation because of my kamera after that i got TPed back Raptor and his police friends waited for me. when i quickly got in my car i drove off and raptor got out of his car i hitted him with my car he was injured on the ground his other friends pointed weapons at me so i needed to get out. they handcuffed me everything is fine for now. Raptor healed his self and wasnt on the ground anymore there was no Paramedic he Healed his self in an RP situation. and i readed the template its abuse if healing in raid i dont know if healing in RP situation is abuse too
[b]Time/Date:[Thursday 08/13/2015]
[b]Steam ID:[I dont know how to get that i forgot the link]
[b]Name of Administrator:[Raptor]
[b]Evidence:[Check the logs]
Raptor was Police and i was rebel i was wanted for reckless driving but i got TPd to an admin situation because of my kamera after that i got TPed back Raptor and his police friends waited for me. when i quickly got in my car i drove off and raptor got out of his car i hitted him with my car he was injured on the ground his other friends pointed weapons at me so i needed to get out. they handcuffed me everything is fine for now. Raptor healed his self and wasnt on the ground anymore there was no Paramedic he Healed his self in an RP situation. and i readed the template its abuse if healing in raid i dont know if healing in RP situation is abuse too