Aug 12, 2015, 08:05 PM
Hey Limelight community! Some of you might know me because I played on the Fearless servers for ages. I never made a post to introduce myself on the Fearless forums and I thought I might as well introduce myself to those of you who haven't met me on Limelight!
My name's Mark (on Steam I'm Mark-the-Mushroom) and I'm 15 years old. I live Scotland. I enjoy playing Garry's Mod and all of the Valve games, amongst other games such as the Crysis series. I like electronic music- specifically, artists like Deadmau5, Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada.
I've started modding with the source engine (haven't made any mods, only messed around with the Hammer editor and such) and I've also started working with music production DAWs like Ableton. (again, I haven't made anything useful- I just muck around and experiment)
I will be online on the Limelight servers a lot, chances are I'm most likely to be on either v2d or build. I go on 33x occasionally, but v2d is a brighter map because there's no atmos
I'm in a clan with LivKX which is a dupe building clan, so I'll be doing a lot of that!
My name's Mark (on Steam I'm Mark-the-Mushroom) and I'm 15 years old. I live Scotland. I enjoy playing Garry's Mod and all of the Valve games, amongst other games such as the Crysis series. I like electronic music- specifically, artists like Deadmau5, Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada.
I've started modding with the source engine (haven't made any mods, only messed around with the Hammer editor and such) and I've also started working with music production DAWs like Ableton. (again, I haven't made anything useful- I just muck around and experiment)
I will be online on the Limelight servers a lot, chances are I'm most likely to be on either v2d or build. I go on 33x occasionally, but v2d is a brighter map because there's no atmos

I'm in a clan with LivKX which is a dupe building clan, so I'll be doing a lot of that!