Name of Player: Zero Senpai / [L²:RP] Haazey BAYONET FADE BO / [L²:RP] Chocolate Labrador
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80262867/ STEAM_0:0:53009291/ STEAM_0:1:80883321 (In the same order)
Server: V2d
Summary: This all happened at around 3:30 - 4:15 On the 12/08/2015
So i was just chilling in the server stealing scrap metal and such then i overheard a argument in chat, where "the tipical group", started harrassing a player that wasnt me and had nothing to do with me, that was foregner, they stated that his arguments were invalid because he couldnt write english properly and from what i caught the only thing he wrote wrong was not having a Capital E on the world English. So then i decided to intervene and told
Zero Senpai ,
[L²:RP] Haazey BAYONET FADE BO and
[L²:RP] Chocolate Labrador That they shouldnt mock people for not speaking mastering a foreign language when they are trying their best to speak it.(those might not have been the exact words but ill leave all the screens for you guys to examin).
So after then a huge discustion errupted where they started mocking me and the country i lived in they even made some comments about the economy calling my country poor and offending its people, after that they shot some minor mocks happy with their victory in that discussion saying i was crying and calling me a crybaby and such.
This is not the first time something like this happens, this happens almoust every day in this server not always to me but my eye catches always the same group mocking someone trying hard to speak the English language without flaws.
And i even caught some people calling
Beaners to me and my friends in one situation(not this one) but involving the same group over in voice chat.

The order of the screenshots might not be correct with the order of how the events happen'd)
Here are the screenshots:
Its not the first time this happens from the same individuals. Just because i dont speak a perfect english, they always make fun of it and sometimes more then just make fun of it.
I was there when i was also called Beaner. In my opinion, both Beaner and the stuff i just read in this images, to me it deserves the same punishment then Racism.
I admit it IC, i also do it IC, but OOC chat, with the objective to offend other players, i consider this equal or worst then racism. I wont say anything else, this is repeated for same players day after day.
Edit: Ohh and i guess i dont have to say that, as a Portugal citizen, i felt really ofended when i read that chat.
Btw Regarding previous situation admins have seen this happen when we called them, i once called someone i dont remenber who to check a situation out and they started using those same arguments about people not being able to speak the english language perfectly there for they shouldnt talk in ooc and the admin had to call them out saying not everyones main language is English so they have to be more respectful. when when i say "not being able" its simple mistakes like the ones i porably made while making this post.
I find this entirely funny, You said that you were glad to see us get perm'd I did nothing to harass you and you continued to fuel the argument by screaming at us like a child, You were being obnoxious in the scene and couldn't handle that we were trying to put you in the wrong since you clearly were and that I was trying to stop you from screaming, The other two I can't say for and they clearly acted immature about the whole situation and you were trying to fight it when you should have just stopped in which I did... until you continued and just raged in which I argued thus here we are and so I believe that I am not involved nor should I be but you cannot just make a BR and cut out all the shit that you said against us calling us idiots and that the British racists.
Chocolate Labrador - "I Did nothing to harrass you"
m8, the Portugeuse are known for their obnoxious behaviour
Chocolate Labrador - "I Did nothing to harrass you"
BRB, English Grammar Incoming!
Chocolate Labrador - "I Did nothing to harrass you"
Grammar failed loading ; 80% failed fo configure.
Please feel free to post everything you saw me "scream" in text chat, that i havent already posted in my all screen shots.
You said that we hate immigrants and that we hate and discriminate them, You then said you were going to be glad that we were going to be perma banned within the two months.
Reading what i read in chat it clearly sounded that the 3 of you were racist and were discriminating therefore the ban request and everything you mentioned is in the screenshots and also in the logs for admins to check since i provided them with the time of the occurrence.
I also mentioned right in the start that i had a good image of british people and that you guys were ruinning it.
(Aug 12, 2015, 07:23 PM)Ninja Internet Explorer link Wrote:Reading what i read in chat it clearly sounded that the 3 of you were racist and were discriminating therefore the ban request and everything you mentioned is in the screenshots and also in the logs for admins to check since i provided them with the time of the occurrence.
I also mentioned right in the start that i had a good image of british people and that you guys were ruinning it.
How was I racist in any way and that you yourself was racist, your view of British people is ruined because of a few individuals which means you're racist to us in that way.
Since your begining to attempt twisting my words i will stop posting til and admin/mod asks me something.
(Aug 12, 2015, 08:19 PM)Ninja Internet Explorer link Wrote:Since your begining to attempt twisting my words i will stop posting til and admin/mod asks me something.
So, You're essentially admitting to be racist to me?
Alright, I've had it with you two. First of all, you said that all the British hate immigration and said we only think of ourselves and no other country.
And for hating immigration, you called us "Racists" and that's when I replied "Immigration is a race now?" I don't see how that's offensive just because I stated the obvious.
If were being serious about your grammar and language speaking, we would've literally told you to fuck off and go learn English, but we were only joking but you guys have like the tiniest temper. I'm from wales, and people joke about me regarding sheep all the time, it doesn't bother me. If you know more than 5 languages, good for you and don't take any notice of what we're saying - As I said, we were joking.
When I said "Lol, nice economy you got there Portugal" I could literally say the same to someone who lives in Greece - They would laugh about it because they know it's the truth. My bad that you called my country terrible and such as you did.
Every time I've said something either Clementio or Ninja say something completely off-topic just for me to start arguing with them, even people I don't know PM me saying "Please just ignore them, they'll never stop"
Before you post a BR, please get all of the OOC chat - Where you guys offended (we didn't take offence) but we returned it with jokes.
Oh and as I said "I am getting to the tipping point" because whenever someone would just say a tiny thing, you'd pounce on them when there was no need. I really can't believe how'd you'd get offended by us saying these things, when you said probably worse about my knowledge of the world and the country I live in. Honestly, this BR was pathetic.
Oh, and when Choc said "Fat chubby, sit around all day" he was making a stereotype of America, which the American players didn't seem to mind. Why did he say that stereotype? Because he said he'd love to be an American just for that reason. (Please correct me if wrong Choco.)
I'll be awaiting some more fake replies!
Wow Zero Lukas, please post the screens of me offending you or atleast tell the admins to check the logs i want to see them too. But please post something that isnt already in the fake post's, this arguments started because has i was trying to have a normal conversation with the 3 of you, and all you did was spam cry and insults, and people can check both in my console screenshots and in the logs if anyone thinks i am hidding something.
Btw next time people tell you to stop via Pm's maybe you should because if i remenber correcty when i saw i was going no were with this argument you guys started spamming chat.
I have read through the logs and of the provided screenshots and have come to a conclusion.
Players [L²:RP] Chocolate Labrador, [L²:RP]Ninja Internet Explorer, and Zero Senpai will be suspended from using the OOC chat for 5 hours.
[L²:RP] Chocolate Labrador initially corrected player [L²:RP] Clementio on his English; it was then spun into something about race and discrimination, and both [L²:RP] Chocolate Labrador and [L²:RP]Ninja Internet Explorer were found to comment on the other's respective country with the intent to insult.
Players [L²:RP] Chocolate Labrador, [L²:RP]Ninja Internet Explorer, and Zero Senpai all however ignored rule 5.6 (do not argue in OOC chat). You were told many times to stop arguing in OOC and take it to PM, yet you continued.
Main points of evidence:
This comment was a catalyst. Player [L²:RP]Ninja Internet Explorer insulted player Zero Senpai, thus forming the argument.
[16:39:04] [L²:RP]Ninja Internet Explorer (STEAM_0:0:18128686) said: // I Can speak 5 diferent languages, im not stuck in a island being a racist to imigrants and foregnors all day.
This comment was a clear stereotyping; the player has generalised 'The Portugese'.
[16:39:56] [L²:RP] Chocolate Labrador (STEAM_0:1:80883321) said: // m8, The Portugeuse are known for their obnoxious behaviour.
This comment shows player Zero Senpai continuing the argument by commenting about something which was irrelevant; the intent was to insult player [L²:RP]Ninja Internet Explorer.
[16:44:14] Zero Senpai (STEAM_0:0:80262867) said: // Lol, nice economy you got there portugal.