Aug 11, 2015, 01:49 PM
![[Image: 134173_2156305_187709_thumbnail.jpg]](
It is 2054, America was thinking of the things they heard on the Chinese radio a joke, and that it is not true.
There were rumours going about that a 'Zombie' invasion was soon to happen.
Word spread about what the Chinese were saying on their radio, still, everyone thought it was a joke... Until they came.
They destroyed everything, houses, shops, gas station and even skyscrapers. After images leaked of all of this, the world panic'd. They were too late. Before anyone started making defences as such against these 'Zombies' they were dead.
Slowly more and more countries fell in the hands of the 'Zombies'.
After around 1 year, things started to calm down, the 'Zombies' couldn't get over sea's so they stayed in the countries they had got to.
1 city was left. EvoCity, but it didn't last long at all! The 'Zombies' quickly got to them and had taken EvoCity. However, some people had got onto a bus and left the city just in-time to live. But, they had no where to go.
After 1 week of travelling, the bus ran dry of gas, so, walking it was. Food and water supplies were getting low so people were starting to struggle. But, they found one place, a small area of land which had no one there. Things like an empty shopping mall is there, a different shop or two. A little lake. Some toxic water, the occasional working car is found for exploration and more!
But what they don't know is that the answer to all the 'Zombies' lies within a cave at the place. Everyone must go with everything they have found as it has a great living quarters, but, one problem. It is heavily guarded by 'Zombies' annnnd, other creatures. To stop the 'Zombie' invasion, they must get past the 'Zombies' to reach the end, victory.
Not all will make it, the door to the complex, opens. And then closes forever. There is no going back. The door opens, counts 5 people, and then closes. It is a slow door, so more may get in, but not all. Whoever is left is destin to die. Whoever gets in may die, or survive. Let the best go first. But, before all of this, there is a code to find somewhere on the map to get into the cave. This door is to be open for 10 seconds, then closes. It is a very wide door so lots can get past. But! Not all will make it unless this is planned. The door opens 2 times. 1st is a test for it, 2nd, you MUST pass through. Anyone going past the first time DIES. The door to the underground complex must NOT be passed until fully open, anyone passing through while it is not fully open (This is while opening) WILL die. (OOC: I will explain the basic story line on the say)
Will they survive, or will they die?
Survivalist - You will not need to apply for this role, only turn up.
Bus Driver - No bus will be needed, just the driver. Anyone can apply (1/1)
Davidson Family - You choose the role you wish to play within the FamilyRP (2/4)
[L²:RP] Eagle
Harris Family - You choose the role you wish to play within the FamilyRP (2/4)
End Saviour Army Commander - You will RP until told you are needed for the end scene. (You lead the End Saviour Army soldiers) (1/1)
[L²:RP] Mr Doc
End Saviour Army - You will RP until told you are needed for the end scene (May apply for more than one role) (3/3)
[L2:RP] [P:SA] Lizard
[L²:RP] Eagle
Secret Chinese Organisation Workers - Knew about this all along (1/3)
Judge Rage
When? Once the Event server is made and available to use.
Where? Possibly the event server.
The map will now be v33x. I will bend the story a tad to fit the new map.
Application Format:
Steam name:
Role I wish to be:
Reason for chosen role:
I agree to follow all rules.
Follow all normal CityRP rules. Including NLR, the map is Massive!
Follow as the story-line is told for this to go well.
Work in teams or as one big group.
Make sure to listen, it may get complicated.