Limelight Forums

Full Version: [Selling] 1 Fish= $100, Ample amount of Fish, buy in Bulk up to 5 fish for $450
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I fish everyday now and I have a  few Fish to sell and i was wondering if anyone would like $100  a fish buy 5 for $450
Its a pretty cheap deal!
I will buy 20 fish.
Ill take 50 fish. Add me on steam Kierondeeuk, or Hit me up ingame on V2D
(Aug 11, 2015, 10:58 PM)Kierondeeuk link Wrote: [ -> ]Ill take 50 fish. Add me on steam Kierondeeuk, or Hit me up ingame on V2D

Dont have 50 i took a break from Fishing most i have is 20 atm
(Aug 10, 2015, 11:39 PM)Srazz link Wrote: [ -> ]I will buy 20 fish.

I need u IGN and Steam

And Server to sell it for