Hi LimeLight,
I have been banned for 24 hours, but I am concerned because my brother has his own steam account on the same PC as I am using, He also plays CityRP on LimeLight, will it be classed as double accounting if my brother goes on LimeLight while I am banned.
As long as the staff team are aware of your brother and you have informed them that you and him both play, then it shouldn't be a problem.
Aslong as you don't use the family share feature it will be fine my brother played when I was banned before. Although it would just be easier if both of you didn't play for a day then you won't have to worry at all
Family share is on for a few games but not Garry's Mod.
1. We have a policy/system that if Garry's Mod is family shared, it's a linked account and both accounts will be issued with a Perma ban.
2. As long as you or your brother tell an admin that the other has been banned and you want to play, we won't flag it as suspicious.
So long as your brother actively plays when you aren't banned, it's unlikely we'll check up on the accounts.
Of course, if your brother just so happens to only play when you're banned, then that will seem little dodgy.