Aug 9, 2015, 01:32 AM
Your Name: [KK]Mancom37
Ban ID: 76
Banned by: [L²] PREDITOR OF WAR
Server: Evocity_v33x
Ban Reason: Breaking FearRP(that I don t agree with and will explain later)
Why should you be unbanned?: I will present how everything went in my view:There was a raid over the apartements so the police was called,on the backstreet I found a individual with a pot of weed,I would later pick some of it and then shoot the pot in a way to claim the rest of the weed and scare that individual.The cops came the first one armed with a taser pointing at me since I had my revolver still out I placed it down and RP placing my hands up,the second officer came with a MP5 on safety and I saw this has an opportunity to run,I didn t see this has breaking fearrp since:One and the only weapon pointed at me was a non-lethal weapon so I knew my character would suffer minor-damage,and the other one was on safety and could not be used right away when I ran.After that I entered in a unknown store and a shootout began ending up with me dead.
The "reaches out for a drink" was a mistake,the supposed "drink" was the gun.
Althought the officers talked by Voice Chat I only have my loggs of my actions in chat:
![[Image: 91D45DB9B53877A968ED68EE5C81EF70F15FCECC]](
Ban ID: 76
Banned by: [L²] PREDITOR OF WAR
Server: Evocity_v33x
Ban Reason: Breaking FearRP(that I don t agree with and will explain later)
Why should you be unbanned?: I will present how everything went in my view:There was a raid over the apartements so the police was called,on the backstreet I found a individual with a pot of weed,I would later pick some of it and then shoot the pot in a way to claim the rest of the weed and scare that individual.The cops came the first one armed with a taser pointing at me since I had my revolver still out I placed it down and RP placing my hands up,the second officer came with a MP5 on safety and I saw this has an opportunity to run,I didn t see this has breaking fearrp since:One and the only weapon pointed at me was a non-lethal weapon so I knew my character would suffer minor-damage,and the other one was on safety and could not be used right away when I ran.After that I entered in a unknown store and a shootout began ending up with me dead.
The "reaches out for a drink" was a mistake,the supposed "drink" was the gun.
Althought the officers talked by Voice Chat I only have my loggs of my actions in chat: