Aug 7, 2015, 07:18 PM
Your Name: What is your name?purple rold
Ban ID: What is your Ban ID?dunno how to find put in comments
Banned by: Which administrator or moderator that has issued your ban?woodie
Server: Which server did it happen on?v2d
Ban Reason: What did the administrator or moderator list for the reason of the ban?
Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? it wasnt fearrp as swat was behind him with gun = he fear rp and the glss i was behind was butten broof so i ran
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.noooo
Ban ID: What is your Ban ID?dunno how to find put in comments
Banned by: Which administrator or moderator that has issued your ban?woodie
Server: Which server did it happen on?v2d
Ban Reason: What did the administrator or moderator list for the reason of the ban?
Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? it wasnt fearrp as swat was behind him with gun = he fear rp and the glss i was behind was butten broof so i ran
Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.noooo