Aug 7, 2015, 06:04 PM
So yeah, as the topic states, I'd just like to get some clarification on the topic.
As far as I am aware, it has never been a problem for traders such as Gun Dealers and Black Market Dealers to have contraband, as long as they did their jobs and didn't create bases. So, I created an apartment, where I made sure to have no defenses or such and filled it with fluff props, just a fading door leading to another room. Apparently, it constituted as basing (it was in the Apartment building, so not on the main street) and I was warned and had my contraband removed.
Now, I don't really give a sh*t about contraband, however I pointed out that the rule wasn't written as such and there was no set definition of what a "base" really was. So, for long term clarification and to avoid a staff member in the future perhaps issuing a ban based on an unwritten rule (bad situation, can tell you from personal experience), please either make a rule about it in the F1 menu or just enforce the written rules. Or, I could be a complete dolt, in which case please tell me so and clarify it for me.
As far as I am aware, it has never been a problem for traders such as Gun Dealers and Black Market Dealers to have contraband, as long as they did their jobs and didn't create bases. So, I created an apartment, where I made sure to have no defenses or such and filled it with fluff props, just a fading door leading to another room. Apparently, it constituted as basing (it was in the Apartment building, so not on the main street) and I was warned and had my contraband removed.
Now, I don't really give a sh*t about contraband, however I pointed out that the rule wasn't written as such and there was no set definition of what a "base" really was. So, for long term clarification and to avoid a staff member in the future perhaps issuing a ban based on an unwritten rule (bad situation, can tell you from personal experience), please either make a rule about it in the F1 menu or just enforce the written rules. Or, I could be a complete dolt, in which case please tell me so and clarify it for me.