Limelight Forums

Full Version: Female Police Models (Errors) (Bug)
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Dear LimeLight,

I have noticed this I have been having problems with Errors on people. I have just noticed that it is the Female Police Models that are the issue that is causing me to get an error on them. To Double check I switched my character to female and this is what happened

Character Image when male

[Image: BrAZRqG.jpg]

Character Image as Female

[Image: PW8xSbe.jpg]
We've tested this. It's not the models that are the error, but rather your gmod installation. Please restart and try joining again - it often fixes errors with new content. If that doesn't work, you should subscribe to the content packs manually.
I have tried everything.. Still the same. I have subscribed to the Limelight content too. Its not just me that is having the same issue to.
For some reason after I subscribed to all FL Content it fixed my issue?

added to content pack 4, will auto update on join.