Aug 6, 2015, 09:41 PM
Your Name: [L²:RP] ^Piggeh
Ban ID: -
Banned by: Ollie
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: FearRP
Why should you be unbanned?: Well, i'll just explain what happened. I was standing on the pavement with my car parked up on the side. A taxi drove past shouting 'He is parking illegally arrest this man!'. the officer (cant remember the exact name, i know it begins with R haha) said 'I'm not going to arrest you, you're fine there for now. I am a nice cop!'. I later proceeded to go onto the steam overlay to help my friend/cousin fix his game as every vehicle was an error, i noticed in the background an officer (the same guy) standing right next to my car, so, i exited the overlay, he got in narrowly missing me and driving off with my car. I chased the car as he drove it down into the nexus garage, he got out the car so i got in and reversed out. He pointed his gun at me shouting 'Get out the car!'. I then turned the engine off, and spoke to him in LOOC about him randomly taking my car, and that's about as far as it went, as i got banned immediately afterwards. My cousin spoke to the admin about this and i was told to post here.
Evidence: I have no evidence as i was banned too quick to have grabbed anything.
I can see how Ollie may have seen this as fearRP, but i was trying to explain to him what he had done. Ollie, i totally respect you and you decision, but i wish you would've spoke to me in-game rather than banning immediately. I would also like to state again that i was trying to tell him he was taking my vehicle for no reason in LOOC, and got banned straight after.
EDIT: I would like to ask Ollie as to what exactly he thought was the FearRP infraction, so I could answer with my side of the story and further expedite this process.
Ban ID: -
Banned by: Ollie
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: FearRP
Why should you be unbanned?: Well, i'll just explain what happened. I was standing on the pavement with my car parked up on the side. A taxi drove past shouting 'He is parking illegally arrest this man!'. the officer (cant remember the exact name, i know it begins with R haha) said 'I'm not going to arrest you, you're fine there for now. I am a nice cop!'. I later proceeded to go onto the steam overlay to help my friend/cousin fix his game as every vehicle was an error, i noticed in the background an officer (the same guy) standing right next to my car, so, i exited the overlay, he got in narrowly missing me and driving off with my car. I chased the car as he drove it down into the nexus garage, he got out the car so i got in and reversed out. He pointed his gun at me shouting 'Get out the car!'. I then turned the engine off, and spoke to him in LOOC about him randomly taking my car, and that's about as far as it went, as i got banned immediately afterwards. My cousin spoke to the admin about this and i was told to post here.
Evidence: I have no evidence as i was banned too quick to have grabbed anything.
I can see how Ollie may have seen this as fearRP, but i was trying to explain to him what he had done. Ollie, i totally respect you and you decision, but i wish you would've spoke to me in-game rather than banning immediately. I would also like to state again that i was trying to tell him he was taking my vehicle for no reason in LOOC, and got banned straight after.

EDIT: I would like to ask Ollie as to what exactly he thought was the FearRP infraction, so I could answer with my side of the story and further expedite this process.