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Full Version: Meth Update - Coming Soon
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We are very pleased to announce we will be launching with the meth update! We've had a lot of people work on this with us and we are happy to present to you the current trailer!

Link - Filming and editing.
Wood & Voluptuous, Faustie - Acting and coding
Rolorox - Ideas and tweaking.
Doodleh and Shadow - Voice acting.
Dig - Voice acting, Photoshoping.

Kind Regards,
[align=center]Sounds like a great update, now to wait for the video to start! Going to be interesting on how it works!
Awesome!  :o
Cannot wait until we can see this, awaiting the update.
Oliver, we need to cook...
This will be extraordinary!
Very exciting.
Looks great!
Video for anyone who missed the syncvideo
RVs confirmed, gotta buy one.
Looks awesome! Can't wait to start playing.
Looks Amazing!
Looks great! However the world models for guns are antiquated.
Im so hyped its unreal
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