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Full Version: Community Tags
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LimeLight Gaming
Hello folks, these are the defined tags for members of our community, if you'd like to show your apart of our community then these are the tags to wear and what they mean!

[L²:RP] - A member of the community

[L²:M] - A server moderator

[L²] - An administrator/developer/super-admin/owner.

If you'd like to wear these tags, be our guests! All these tags will eventually work ingame on our own server once we code the compatibility for the ² on the scoreboard.

Thanks for reading.
-Limelight Staff
Glad we have official tags now.
Ah, nice.

So they're out ^-^
Shouldn't this thread be locked & stickied, so future members can be aware of it?
I like [L²] I think it looks dope af Big Grin
Thanks for the update Nac!
I really like the [L²] tag, it's quiet clever. As for the [L²:RP] I'm not sure if I like it, I'll just have to get used to it.
I really like the L² part, but just as Nihl stated, I think I'll have to get used to the suffixes.
Love it Big Grin
Nice to see!
Not a massive fan of [L²:RP]

Too bulky for my liking.
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