Limelight Forums

Full Version: Hello there! o/
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Hey Guys and Gals,

Like many others I am coming from another community. We are all here to plant a new tree and grow bigger than ever.

I'm probably the only British person here and I'm 17.

I honestly can't wait to see the future of this community flourish. Tongue

I would love to help out with the development of the website as I do have experience in web design, but I am currently in Baghdad for 3 weeks. I'll hit up the Dev's if I get back and see if they need some help.  :-*

Hope to see you guys on the forums and the servers soon Wink
Shout out to my boys:

KaiBoy :-*

chapy98 :-*

MrSutton :-*

Kpred  :-*
Welcome mate!
It is always good to see people from the 98's club!

Welcome brother
Welcome Colliins98 its nice to see a familiar face on this brand new community.
Welcome Collins98 its nice to see a familiar face on this brand new community.
Welcome MrSutton its nice to see a familiar face on this brand new community.
Three people with Jimi Hendrix profile pictures? That's intriguing.
Welcome To LimeLight!
Welcome to LimeLight!