'On your side, For the side of justice.'
Justice & Execution
Our system of defending you in the court of law is our number one priority for when in court you shall receive a lawyer which works in the field of what you have been accused of, The Evocity justice system will run in a fair way for everyones' liking, Not only yours but the defendant. Our CEO, Jamie Hargold has got a masters degree in law and has studied to the extent and served in the Royal Justice court which is housed in London where he used to work and live as a child, He works day and night to ensure that his firm achieves his highest standards including in court where he will work with his fellow colleagues to insure that there clients get the best service, Guilty or not you will be treated as a normal human being, The Lawyers are the thing that makes our Justice division the strongest.
![[Image: lawyer_icon.jpg]](https://www.iconshock.com/img_jpg/REALVISTA/jobs_icons/jpg/256/lawyer_icon.jpg)
- Law & Order Division
![[Image: administrator-icon.png]](https://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconshock/real-vista-general/256/administrator-icon.png)
- Internal Affairs Division
Internal Affairs
The Internal Affairs division is the forefront of our company, They wear the black uniform with a tie which represents that they serve our whole overall company where they defend our divisions in so many ways, They're not an agency or a military corporation but they're just there to make sure the men and women who come to work day and night to work. The responsibility of the workers is to serve their overall community by supporting them in other ways but on a scale they are there to make sure you are not having any problems why working in the office.
Company Roster
Administration Team
CEO of all Divisions: Jamie Hargold
Internal Affairs' Director: Jono Pynee
Head Judge of the Eagle Law Justice Court: Jamie Hargold
Internal Affairs' Divisional Roster
Internal Affairs' Director: Jono Pynee
IA Worker:
Law & Order Divisional Roster
Head Judge of the Eagle Law Justice Court: Jamie Hargold
Judge of the Eagle Law Justice Court:
Lawyer for the Eagle Law Justice Court and Eagle Law:
Sebastain McDike
Probationary Lawyer for Eagle Law Justice Court and Eagle Law:
Application for Law & Order Division
[i]'On your side, For the side of justice'[/i][/align]
OOC Section:
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
IC Section:
Phone Number:
Qualifications in law:
Previous Employment:
Cases' won and please explain in detail:
How did you hear of us?:
[size=8]Do you agree to these terms of service; You will abide by the rules which are set by the founding members aswell as the regular government ruling, Do you abide to strictly following these and in any case you will not argue about your contract being terminated at any time?:[/size]
Application for Internal Affairs
[i]'On your side, For the side of justice'[/i][/align]
OOC Section:
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
IC Section:
Phone Number:
Communication skills?
Previous Employment:
How well do you manage under stress?:
Are you going to be fair to all staff?:
[size=8]Do you agree to these terms of service; You will abide by the rules which are set by the founding members aswell as the regular government ruling, Do you abide to strictly following these and in any case you will not argue about your contract being terminated at any time?:[/size]
Eagle Law was established in 1976 when Jamie was twenty, He was born in Shropshire, England and had two parents who at the time both worked for a law firm which made them in a normal position between middle class and higher class, Jamie was around six when his brother was born. They became instant business partners at such a young age and so they used to write ideas every night and always wanted to make a change to what the law firms used to do in England but that soon came downhill when his family moved to Evocity with the ideals of a better life than in Shropshire and for more business opportunities. Jamie and his brother felt excited and then drew new ideas' for his overall plan. He had drawn plans to build a skyscraper and have the Eagle Law logo built within it and so he dreamt day after day about it and sooner or later his father had a look at the drawings before heading to bed, rather he stayed up and drew more exact plans and so when Jamie woke up, He woke up to the plans that his brother would read and love. They became instant fans to the idea and set for it.
Jamie went back to the U.K. and studied at the London School of Economics where he learnt law, He stayed the college for six years till he got a masters' in his degree, Jamie had a part time job as a Barrista at the local Starbucks where he earn't money for his flat which was low quality but for the best, His brother went over to Germany to learn I.T. as he didn't like the ideas as he grew up. Jamie finished his final term and came home with a Masters' for his law, Jamie was given his money which came from when he reached eighteen and soon bought a building which was first used for his new Law firm which was named, 'Eagle Firms' It didn't reach market potential and soon was re-branded as 'Eagle Law' which for the marketing team was a success as it became a hit and soon a small branch became a massive business, From one branch to a skyscraper owned by Jamie and soon they became a hit within the whole of Evocity.
Ongoing court cases within The Eagle Law Justice Court:
Eagle Law Justice Court:
Interesting. I'm a big fan of law

Interesting to see an lawyer based clan RP, hope you do some good RP. As for the clan page itself - it looks nice & tidy ;D
Not a common approach but it would be brilliant to see this RPed well. Good luck!
![[Image: OE6kGAW.png]](https://i.imgur.com/OE6kGAW.png)
Company Announcement
Jono Pynee has now been initiated as Internal Affairs director and we wish him the best of luck enforcing our company rules and making sure our staff feel right at home!
CEO and founder, Jamie Hargold today has opened our new court room which will be in show for this year for many to come, Judges and Lawyers are going to be shown the room for preview for their courts, Previous court room which was held in the lower parts of the Nexus has now been destroyed and all wood inside the courtroom has now been refurbished. This has been a company announcement and thank for you listening to the daily updates.
'On your side, For the side of justice'
OOC Section:
Steam Name: TheEnglishBiscuit-__-
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:82776546
Bans: 0
IC Section:
Forename: Sebastain
Surname: McDike
Address: Ss2 1JY
Phone Number: 01754 9281
Qualifications in law: St Cookie University Of Law Infilement
Previous Employment:
Cases' won and please explain in detail:
Case 1 -2005: JimmiFile - Attempted murderer: JimmiFile was accused of murder of "Lady Nasuadia" but due to lack of evidence and a firm lawyer (Biscuit McMilk) won the case, he was confirmed innocent at 0500.
Case 2 - 2007: Jack Prie: Having illegal substances inside his car - Jack Prie was found with illegal substances (Such as Cocain, heroine and other intoxicating drugs) he pleaded innocent saying he never knew of them. Due to a overwhelming lawyer team, he was found innocent.
How did you hear of us?:
Do you agree to these terms of service; Yes, Of corse
You will abide by the rules which are set by the founding members aswell as the regular government ruling, yes
Do you abide to strictly following these and in any case you will not argue about your contract being terminated at any time?: Yes
*The doors shut the last time*
(OOC: Clan closed, Requesting closure.)