So, do you have any musical talents? If so, what may they be?
I'll start off: I compose orchestral masterpieces, play Bassoon, Baritone saxophone, Fife, and piano.
Now... how does music orchestrate a role in your lives?
I play gutair and harmonica and am learning how to play the Blues, Beatles and Bob Dylan
Music has always been a friend of mine, whether I am happy, lonesome or sad music has always been there to comfort me.
I play the piano.
I've gone to lessons for the past eight years and done it for fun, learning pieces etc, but with my GCSEs coming up i'm probably going to do the Grade 5 exam
I can play the recorder :/
I played the violin and still can do, but not as good as before

Been playing guitar now for 2 years, first year I teached myself and now Im taking lessons.
I did attempt to play the Ukelele for a few months before I gave up. :-\
Ukulele to me is a very irrelevant instrument :p Never seen the point in having one. If you really wish to get the ukulele experience just buy a capo and put it on your 12 fret on your guitar lol
I used to play the guitar, I would love to get back into it.
Saxophone; I can play alto, tenor, and baritone.
Music in general makes me feel less bored or stressed.
I've been playing clarinet, along with alto and tenor saxophones. I've all of them in jazz, but I use the clarinet for classical music and the saxophones for jazz now.
I have played the Trumpet for 2 years now and I know a little of the piano!
I play the cello and have for the past 5 years.
I'm learning to play the guitar. Summertime blues is a great song

Hehe, I keep seeing the same instruments replicate....
Anyone know how to play any double reed instruments?
(Not really expecting it)