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Marsh´s Paintjob-Paintshop

Welcome to Marsh´s Paintjob-Paintshop. As some of you may have already realised the recent addition of the Material-URL tool allows for the creation of some truely awsome Paintjobs for vehicles. Given that the car has a proper template etc (which luckily is the case for around 80% of our vehicles) you can do basicly anything to it:
Need a company Truck or advertise your business on the side of your van?
Wanna pimp your ride with some rally stripes or some sick trim?
Ever wanted to drive a cop car from a slightly different juristiction?
Need a uniform vehicle design for your clan perhaps?
or do you just wanna slap a Learner-Plate, a "support Hightower/Pigeons/The Troops etc." Bumpersticker on your car?
I got you covered. Im currently working on proper paintjobs for around a dozen vehicles to be featured in my clans (U.S. Forest Service) vehicle fleet. And im slowly growing more comfortable with it. As i want everyone to benefit of this possibility though and i realise that not everyone may have the time or ressources to make dedicated paintjobs, I want to offer you my services.

How does this work?
You basicly comment in this thread or message me otherwise with the vehicle model and design idea you have in mind. I shall then start working on the thing, providing occasional updates or design-questions to you usually through discord.
Does it cost me? How long does it take?
No. At least not for now and not in general. Im not perfect at skinning and i do want everyone to get a fair use out of the tool so itll be free of charge (kinda like my public dupes). That however means: i may work at requests in an order that i see fit. (afterall you cant force inspiration - sometimes you just dont feel a particular design for a day or two) and i wont prioritise the request over other stuff (like building projects etc.). The only request where i may consider a charge would be clan vehicles or fleet packs. As those would not be for public use.
Privacy, Modifications and Sharing
The aim is for this service to be available to everyone. Everyone is invited to alter/modify whatever design i may have made as they see fit. With the exception of clan vehicles i also wont make private designs. Meaning your gucci-pattern lambo design will also be accessibe to anyone else. I shall post any designs that are not clan related in this thread to give you a bit of a libary. Who knows maybe once this project has picked up some steam youll find something quite usefull for your rp without the need to request or make it from scratch. You are also invited to share your own designs here, though i do not take responibility for the other peoples designquality.
What are the Limitations?
There are 2 Limitations. I wont make anything that is not lore-friendly to a certain degree. Meaning anything that doesnt fit the overall setting of EvoCity (so no foreign police skins, transparent cars, imrpoper advertisements or a "free candy"-ambulance). The second limitation is the level of detail and the vehicle moddels available. Unfortunatly some models do not come with a proper Template and some cant be skinned at all (e.g. with very few cars the right side of the car draws from the same texture as its left side - making it impossible to write something on it properly). Cars that dont come with a template can sometimes still be skinned but itll take a lot longer and may not be as sucesfull (less detailed)
How to use?
You copy the imgur ling i gave you (or the one i listed in this thread) into the first line of your material URL tool and select a name for it in the line below. Then you upload the material and applie it to a random prop before calling in a staff member to help you applie the texture to your car. The member can then use the submaterial tool to applie the texture to your cars skin.
Please be aware that the URL Material tool does not exempt you from any of our TOS/Forum/Server-Rules. Inaproritate content will be removed with consequences to its creator.
the first reply to this is reserved to later on share paintjobs
As a bit of a teaser for what you can do with the Material-URL Tool (though firetrucks/ambulances are a lot of work)

[Image: 46Xlyy1.jpeg]
something for ECPD maybe?