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Your Name: Timmy

Ban ID: 10196

Banned by: [L²] Apollo ()

Server: EU Live

Ban Reason: No intent to RP | Multiple RCDM\'s | Not listening to advice

Why should you be unbanned?: i got banned. i was just trying to reverse and park into the area.
The staff members have received your suspension appeal, Fracket.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Hi please could you please follow the template for your unban request. Also your video doesn't show anything.

Paging as he was the one who banned you
Still waiting for you to update and use the correct template.

Throughout the whole 2 hours you've been on the server you have caused nothing but a nuisance. Although this is your first official punishment for RCDM, this isn't the first instance today where you ran a group of individuals over. Not to say you weren't apologetic in any means. Although I can respect you were in first person, this isn't your first warning in regards to this issue.

Within 1-2 hours of your time on the server, and countless verbal warnings given by another staff member, you've racked up 4 punishments. Not an impressive start. We tried to work with you and give you the chance to read the rules, but again, you seemed to ignore this.

Let this one day ban, alongside a black list from vehicles for an hour give you time (if you're serious about playing) to read the rules, scope around the forums, and see if this community is a place for you.

If you play by the rules, you are welcome with open arms. Otherwise, we do not tolerate rule breaking and interfering with others.

During Your hours on a server I didn’t saw any interest in following the rules from you. During first encounter I saw you breaking FearRP and then running back into the vehicle to CDM the person pointing a gun at You. At this point you received a permanent warning for FearRP. Due to low hours on the server I informed You about rules posted in F1->Rules section and explained that they are important for having good experience with the server. Just after I release, You started spawning ramps on the street for an ambulance (instance of FailRP + prop-misuse). After that situation I sent a message to stop doing that. Few minutes fly by and we can see You flying on a bathtub prop on a Main St. (Point where he got PTE for 30 minutes for reason „prop-misuse + prop-surfing).

I understand that sometimes incidents like this happen but for you that was a common theme throughout the evening. In my personal opinion almost none of the situations looked like they were accidental even the one you provided video of.
i get banned for being too cool. its fine i get it
(Mar 6, 2025, 07:34 PM)Fracket Wrote: [ -> ]i get banned for being too cool. its fine i get it
