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Full Version: Till Death Do Us Part
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Nice to meet everyone, I am Ceasar. I have not yet played on Limelight but plan to in about a month. I have most experience in emergency services RP. If it's possible, I make it happen. I have a ton of creative ideas for RP but have yet to find a suitable server. Look forward to meeting yall in-game.

More about me-
I'm 21 
A dog trainer
Strict but fair
Soft voiced
Welcome to Limelight. Looking forward to meet ya too Smile
Welcome to our community. Government roleplay is a favorite of mine as well. Hit me up if you need anything, and see you in-game!
Good to meet you Ceasar. I hope you enjoy your time here! Smile
Welcome to Limelight! Hope to see you in-game!
Welcome to the server!
Welcome to Limelight!!