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Full Version: Unban Appeal
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Your name: Skeepy

Ban ID: 10153

Server: CityRP

banned by: ‍ ‍

Ban reason: Spawning an extremist symbol

Why should you be unbanned?: Hi, I truly believe what i did was wrong and i deeply apologize for what I,ve done.
my intention to spawn this dupe wasn't to show it off, i was just taking a look at my dupes that i haven't checked for years.
i spawned it for 3 seconds and removed it straight away.
It doesn't seem to be fair to perma ban me for such a reason, i know i am guilty but a perma ban is kind alot for spawning such a dupe only for 3 seconds and then removing it straight away.
The staff members have received your suspension appeal, brave soldier.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Under review.
any updates?
Brave Soldier,

I must impress the seriousness of what you did, for three seconds or not. It is my understanding that your actions contravened either the Facepunch Code of Conduct or Terms of Service, let alone our rules, hence the permanent ban.

I have researched as best as I can to see where this is stipulated outside of our rules, and I have been unable to find a reference to it, which is fortunate for yourself because this means Limelight, at this stage, has full discretion as to how we proceed.

Limelight’s position on this matter is clear. You will not spawn extremist symbols or participate in such roleplay.

With everything considered, I will lift your ban and it will remain on your record.

It is strongly advised you consider your actions more carefully in the future.
