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Full Version: EvoRock Ski Resort
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Welcome to EvoRock Ski Resort!

A place that will steal hearts of many skiers and snowboarders! After many years of preparations we are here to officialy announce that This weekend we are opening our resort! 

For now we would like to share our promotional video and soon we will bring more news for all of the interested people

Skipass information
We are carefully monitoring weather situation. As soon as preparations will start we will share more details regarding resort opening times and grand opening date.

Current available information:
Skipasses will be granted for specific time range (for ex.: 1 day pass/week pass). Skipass price most likely is gonna be set as 500$/day. You can buy your skipasses at front-desk at EvoRock aerial tramway bottom station.

We are also gonna open online sale soon so follow our announcement page!

Job opportunities
Lift operator (0/1) 
Front-desk [ticket sale] (0/1) 
Snow operator (0/1) 
Resort Technician (1/4) 
Ski patrol (1/3) 
Restaurant personel (0/2) 
Resort security (0/3)

We are accepting any means of communication. If you want any additonal details please contact our HR department!


EvoTech Corp. - Cutting-edge technical sollutions used throughout the resort;

US Forest Service - [color=oklab(0.89908 -0.00192907 -0.0048306)]Administratation of public land and national forest area in order to allow for recreational and economical use;[/color]

28.02.2025r - Weather forecast seems promising for resort operation! We are putting all of our efforts to gather a service team to get everything up and running smoothly! More info soon!

Yes... Skiing is actually a thing now
Yes... Snowcat is working and you can drive it.

Yes... There will be rescue snowmobile. 
Can't wait to ski there omg
Let me skiiiiii !
Like i said, i want dips for ski patrol role XD. Which reminds me to go skiing in weekend XD
as a lifetime ski pass holder im ready to rip up the slopes
Looks great!
(Feb 25, 2025, 07:36 PM)pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]as a lifetime ski pass holder im ready to rip up the slopes

Can't wait to revoke your lift pass for doing crack on our slopes
- Post update -
-Skipass information added;
-Job opportunities information added;
Weather forecast for upcoming days at our Resort!

[Image: uMBQQK7.png]

Avalanche Risk: Level 1 - Normal

[Image: ObTcPlt.png]
My application for ski patrol role ooc: Can also do double job as tech or snow operator.

Name: Albert Meechum   Age: 38 years old
Fulltime job: EvoCity Rescue Force Paramedic with 12years experience on ambulance
[b]Perks and skills:[/b] Handy who has lived countryside since kid, fixed and drived machinery. Has skiied and hiked 20years.