Feb 23, 2025, 03:19 PM
Server [EU Live/EU Build/Event]: Build
Using the pickaxe on build gives you errors.
My guess is that it tries to decrease stamina, which is unlimited.
The above console message appears exactly 7 times each swing.
Bug observed since: Today
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go on build.
2. Get out pickaxe from inventory.
3. Left click
Using the pickaxe on build gives you errors.
My guess is that it tries to decrease stamina, which is unlimited.
[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/entities/weapons/cityrp_pickaxe/shared.lua:83: attempt to index field 'stamina' (a nil value)
1. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/entities/weapons/cityrp_pickaxe/shared.lua:83
The above console message appears exactly 7 times each swing.
Bug observed since: Today
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go on build.
2. Get out pickaxe from inventory.
3. Left click