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#1Jan 4, 2025, 09:43 PM
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Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. ()

Ban Reason:
Why should you be unbanned/unblacklist?:

This is a follow up to my previous ubr, It was ended due to no reply and the reason for that is because I work away from home. 

In short all I have to say is the reason why I killed him was not JUST because he arrested me or because of OOC reasons, but because he went undercover and screwed my business over, it wasn't that fact he just arrested me but because he tricked me in a undercover sting/entrapment, and not only that but closed my whole business down, meaning he screwed over my job leading to me not having anything left and cost me many contracts I had secured which lost me a lot of money and I couldn't go back to the place of business due to it being blocked off.
I personally feel having your business screwed over, a hitman business especially, is a valid reason to kill the main man who authorised the investigation and the man who went undercover in your business to double cross you.
My defence for failrp was as said before, I did not plan to kill them in the middle of the street, as he stated I was masked up and planning on stalking them for some time to find the right spot, but as I said, member of the public reported me to them that I have a concealed weapon, to which they approached me and me being stuck in a tight spot only had this one chance as being caught then would of made it almost impossible to kill them later as they would now be expecting it, so had to act in a split second, not ideal as you said, and definitely wasn't planned to be like that, but was within roleplay reason, it was not a run and gun on sight as you seem to believe.
The staff members have received your suspension appeal, Cicero.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Given there's been multiple other staff members over this already, I'm going to deny this.

Admittedly it was a bit of a two sided situation, but even so, I think it's pretty clear the intent behind it:

Quote:v4b1 [18:54:52] Cai (STEAM_0:1:164046655) injured One (STEAM_0:1:22208299) using cw_m3super90
v4b1 [18:54:52] One (STEAM_0:1:22208299) suicided
v4b1 [18:54:54] poofitiee (STEAM_0:1:419558917) injured Cai (STEAM_0:1:164046655) using cw_ber_p90
v4b1 [18:55:00] Cai (STEAM_0:1:164046655) said "/w worth it"

v4b1 [18:56:27] Cai (STEAM_0:1:164046655) said "/pm one L bozo"
v4b1 [18:56:32] Cai (STEAM_0:1:164046655) said "// gn"
v4b1 [18:56:35] Cai (STEAM_0:1:164046655) disconnected (Reason: Disconnect by user.)