Hello community!
I would like to announce that
has now been promoted to Senior Moderator! He has shown great commitment and has been a great moderator and we believe he will continue to do great in his new role.
Development has also decided that Dick will be a wonderful addition to the Development Team.
Congratulations on the much deserved promotions Dick.
About damn time! Congrats
, after the latest update you really deserved it! 
Congratulations, Dick! You're the man.
Name rings a bell?
This is great news! Congratulations Dick!
Congrats , well deserved!
So now that you're a senior moderator do we call you Head Dick or Dick Head
(Feb 20, 2025, 03:41 PM)Nudel Wrote: [ -> ]What a dick move
A Richard Relocation, if you will.
(Feb 20, 2025, 03:31 PM)Nacreas Wrote: [ -> ]So now that you're a senior moderator do we call you Head Dick or Dick Head
He shall now be known as Senior Dick Developer.