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Full Version: Brynn to CityRP SAHR
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[Image: limelightannouncement.png]
Hello Limelight,

After our relaunch we believed it could be beneficial to support the CityRP team with a new CityRP HR, to make sure everything runs smoothly. After an extensive voting process internally, we have concluded the votes and as a team we decided that new CityRP HR will be....

Congratulations Brynn. Third times the charm.
i would like to put myself forward for his old role as administrator, thank you
Nice. I like Brynn.
The big man is back
Congrats man!
Congrats ! Another hat to your collection   Cool
(I missed you with the purple name)
[Image: eYDWQnC.png]
How did we get back here? I thought we were done with Shortbread man.
Congrats Brynn! <3
Really nice guy, perfectly suited to this role, all the best!
Congratulations !!!